3 Ways to Make Your Decor Feel More Personal

Ways to Make Your Decor Feel More Personal


Moving into a new home is often a tale of two emotions. On the one hand, you have the excitement of a new place and a new chapter, but on the other hand, you have that feeling of uncertainty. You are surrounded by plain walls, empty spaces and a great big question mark. In short, you have started your new life, but you haven’t quite put your stamp on it yet.

Many people make the mistake of filling out their space as quickly as possible to make it feel “homely”. Rushing into home décor simply to make your place feel like a home can often have the opposite effect, however, leaving you with a whole lot of stuff but a lack of anything that truly matches your personality.

But how do you start with something like this? Well, the best way to infuse your new place with your personality is by starting with a wide canvas. It’s important to resist streamlining things. You want as many options as possible, so always try to look at the bigger picture and choose something which gives you the most options. For anyone unsure, here are a few ideas to help you out: 

1.   Star Signs Can Signal Your Way Home

When it comes to home décor, one of the areas that many people latch onto is their star sign. For instance, the colour red for Aries matches an energetic personality, and the colour blue for Aquarius matches self-reliance. Do a bit more research into your star sign, try to pinpoint specific traits that match your personality, and then infuse these traits into your décor. That way, even if the décor is not opaquely about you, every bit of it will relate to your personality in some way.

2.   Your Religion Can Hold The Answers

If you are a particularly religious person, then it’s always a good idea to integrate your faith into the design of your home. No matter whether it’s Judaism or Christianity, the home always holds an important symbol in religion, so there are many avenues you can explore when attempting to find something for you. The NadavArt Website, for instance, has a number of excellent décor ideas for Jewish households. Some of them are subtle and quaint, such as mezuzahs and holiday dining sets, but others can be more impactful, such as Israeli-made art pieces.

3.   Realign Yourself With Your Hobbies

One final way to work out where to go with your home design is simply by sitting back and thinking about what your passions are. If you’re into sports, for instance, then there’s nothing stopping you from integrating a bit of a sports theme into one of the rooms. Likewise, if you’re into reading, then try to create a living room which revolves around your favourite books. Coasters, lamplights, bookshelves. Try to think outside of the box and go for something that will remind people of you, even if you are not there. Your house is an extension of yourself, so let the décor do the talking and create a hub which says everything about your personality whilst saying nothing at all.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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