Complete Guide on How to Clean a Hot Tub

hot tub

How to Clean a Hot Tub

Knowing how to clean a hot tub is an art in and of itself. The same goes for knowing how to clean a full hot tub and how to clean an empty hot tub. While these tasks may seem complicated to some, they are of the utmost importance. A hot tub is not much different from a pool in this regard. Without a regular cleaning regimen, a hot tub is never going to function in a manner that is preferable to an Aspen homeowner.

When a homeowner soaks in a hot tub that has not been properly cleaned, they are exposing their bodies to all sorts of risk factors. Skin irritations become far more common in these instances. In addition to weathering the decreased performance of the hot tub, the homeowner will also have to bear the brunt of the costs when it comes time to handle the inevitable repairs.

Fortunately, this helpful guide is here to assist anyone who is looking for the best tips and pointers. Read on to learn more about how to clean a hot tub: 

How to Drain a Hot Tub for Cleaning

There is more to this process than wiping down the hot tub with a simple cleaning solution, as many Aspen homeowners are already well aware. Body oils, lotions, cosmetics, and various products will collect in the water over the course of months when things are not handled properly. These residues don’t just stay in the water, either. They pass through the filtration systems and the plumbing.

That’s why every homeowner who has a hot tub to call their own should know the ins and outs of cleaning it. Frequent usage, foul odors, murky water, and lack of usage are all signs that it is time to clean. To get started, grab a line flush product. This breaks down all of the biofilms that have had the time to accumulate. Allow the chosen cleaner to circulate for at least 20 minutes for the best results.

If the hot tub has not been cleaned very often or it has been sitting unused, it may be best to allow the line flush product to circulate overnight. Nasty-looking foam may form on the water’s surface but no worries there. It means that the line flush product is doing its job. Once this step is done, a hose can be connected to the drain but this can be time-consuming. A submersible pump will accomplish the task in a much shorter period of time.

Hot Tub clean

The water must be drained into the owner’s sewer system. There should be a special drain on the property for this precise purpose. Run a hose into the drain of the utility sink if there is no specialized drain that connects to the city sewer system. Water may also be used to water plants if chemicals have had the chance to dissipate. Most plants are not going to want a chlorine bath, so bear that in mind.

How to Properly Clean a Hot Tub

Now comes the fun part: knowing how to clean an empty hot tub. The first step is easy enough. Turn off the power to the hot tub and handle the draining. Since this step has already been covered, there’s no need to linger for too long. Once the hot tub is fully emptied, it is time to spray the interior of it with hot water and add the necessary hot tub cleaner.

Make sure to choose a specially formulated hot tub cleaner that will cut through all of the dirt and grime. As for the exterior shell, this is a more durable section of the hot tub that is made to withstand various forms of buildup. It can be wiped down and sprayed off with warm water. Then, it is time to remove the hot tub’s filters and clean those, too. The bacteria and grime that these filters remove build up rapidly, so cleaning them is an absolute must.

If the filters are more than a year old, they need to be replaced. New filters can be sprayed with a garden hose, wiped down with hot tub cleaner, and rinsed back off again. No abrasive brushes should be used. Hot tub chlorine can be used to break down any additional buildup for those who are looking for added cleaning power. If this is the first time removing the filters, take a picture of what the filter looks like when it is already in place.

This makes it much easier to put it back on once the job is done. From there, the homeowner will need to refill their hot tub. Grab the garden hose and place it in the filter well. Take a moment to make sure that the water is flowing through the filters before proceeding. Is the tub filling with clean water? If not, this is definitely a sign that it is time to backtrack. As soon as it is certain that the hot tub is filling back up, the power to the spa can be turned back on.

As soon as a few hours have passed, it is time to test the pH and chlorine levels in the freshly cleaned hot tub. Shock, sanitizer, and clarifier can be used to treat the water as well. Look at the manual to make sure that the proper levels are being added. If the chemicals have been added, it is now time to close the hot tub and give these chemicals a chance to work their magic.

Regular maintenance is the last step that has to be taken so that the hot tub does not have a chance to become as filthy again. Every Aspen homeowner needs to figure out a cleaning schedule that works best for their needs, so they can avoid short and long-term issues. For starters, hot tub chlorine or bromine needs to be used on a weekly basis. This allows the water to remain clean.

By cleaning a filter monthly to remove dirt and grime, the long-term buildup is much easier to prevent. This will keep the hot tub running more smoothly. The hot tub shell must also be cleaned every three to four months. If leaves and debris are accumulating on the lid, these need to be removed. Lastly, make sure that the hot tub is always protected by the lid. 

The Benefits of Hiring Professionals

Get Professional Help

Of course, it is always much easier to hire a professional cleaning service that can handle all of this on a homeowner’s behalf. With the help of Ajax Pool and Spa, these issues can be handled quickly and efficiently. They will take care of all these problems in a timely manner, allowing Aspen homeowners to focus on the things that are more important to them. Don’t hesitate to contact them with any questions or concerns that may arise!

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