DoneRight Kitchen Timer makes you a smart chef

done right multiple kitchen timer
Those who love cooking and spent maximum time of the day in the kitchen surely know how important the timing is! While preparing 3-4 meals at a time, we forget to concentrate on one and the result is bad for some food gets overcooked. The DoneRight Kitchen Timer might just be your good new friend. It’s a tiny oven with 5 timers in its little 3.75″ x 4.5″ x 3.25″ frame. It helps you set each timer to correspond with one of your 4 stovetop burners and the oven. Making it easier to keep track of the cooking times for multiple dishes at once, it cleverly corresponds to the four burners on your stovetop. These timers have three buttons-a start/stop button, a +1 minute button, and a +5 minute button. When one of the timers reaches zero, the DoneRight starts flashing a light on the corresponding timer and sound an alarm to alert you. Want to own this? Shell out $24.95 and make your pick. You can check it out at Vat19.

done right multiple kitchen timer 1
Via: Craziestgadget

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