Go Into the New Year Feeling Calm with These Tips and Tricks

Go Into the New Year Feeling Calm

The holidays are right around the corner and another year has flown by which can make many of us feel a little panicky. If you are feeling like you wish you could slow down time you need to relax and come up with a plan. You don’t want to start the New Year off on a bad note by bringing over stress and anxiety. Whether you are stressing about the things you did or didn’t get done this year or are generally feeling overwhelmed by life, keep reading for ideas on how to tackle the things that are keeping you down. Follow some of these tips and tricks and you’ll soar into the New Year calm, cool, and collected.

1. Self-Care

lavender oil in a blue glass bottle and flowers horizontalLet’s start with the basics; self-care is absolutely essential. Taking care of yourself is an important part of relieving day to day stress and can make you feel special on a weekly basis. A good self-care routine looks different for everyone. Some of us like bubble baths with dreamy essential oil blends, and others enjoy meditation while watching the sunset. Here’s a few good tricks that anyone can add into their self-care routine.

·Treat yourself to some new products

Switching up your routine is always a fun way to add some excitement to your day. If you are looking for a one stop shop for self-care products check out Apothecanna.  Apothecanna carries all different types of products from muscle and joint balms to skincare and even massage oils. As a bonus, all of their products contain cannabinoids which are known to be anti-inflammatory as well as stress relieving.

·Try a new workout

Taking care of yourself physically will help you not only feel your best but will also increase mental clarity and elevate mood. If you typically like to go on runs to get your exercise in, maybe check out a yoga class. Or if you are an avid yoga-goer, switch it up and try a spin class. Keeping your workout routine fresh is a fantastic way to keep yourself motivated to practice physical self-care.

·Beyond physical self-care

It is also important to care for your mental health. The best way to do this depends largely on preference, however everyone can benefit from engaging in activities that keep your mind sharp. Things like reading, doing puzzles or taking a class on a new subject are all great ways to achieve this. So many of us get overwhelmed with our jobs, families, and homes that we often don’t make time to engage in hobbies that get us excited. Making time to do this will leave you feeling less stressed about the passage of time as you can ensure that you’ve been living your life to the fullest.

· Practice emotional self-care

In addition to caring for your mental health, a key factor in your stress levels is how often you practice emotional self-care. For many people this can be talking to a partner or close friend about any feelings that you don’t understand or feel in control of. This also includes knowing when to seek help from a professional if you feel like your emotions are not being cared for. Checking in with a professional can be beneficial for anyone and can help manage stress and anxiety levels when it starts to feel overwhelming.

·   Put yourself first

Many of us have a hard time saying no to others even when what is being asked of us isn’t in our best interest. However, this can get you into trouble if it leads to burnout with your family, friends, or coworkers. If you are already feeling stressed or overworked, learning how to politely say no will make a world of difference with your anxiety.

2. Financial Planning

cryptocurrenciesIf the cause of your stress heading into the New Year is money related, you’re not alone. Many people experience anxiety and stress leading up to tax season in particular. If you are concerned about filing your taxes this season, consider working with a tax resolution specialist. A specialist has training and experience in tax documentation preparation and is an experienced negotiator. This helps the taxpayers achieve best possible settlement and taxes the stress out of having to file on your own.

If you have goals to help you make money in the New Year you are going to want to consider starting to invest if you haven’t already. Nowadays there are plenty of different ways to invest and get returns on your money. Traditional stocks are always going to be a go to method, but those with larger amounts to invest may be better off seeking real estate opportunities. In addition to these traditional methods, cryptocurrencies have been getting more and more attention lately and thousands of investors have seen profits from their investments. No matter how you choose to invest, the best way to stress less about money is to make more of it, so don’t delay.

If you are someone who struggles with managing your money check out an app for financial planning. Gone are the days of tracking your spending in a notebook because there are dozens of apps that you can keep on your phone to help you manage your finances better this next year. Many of these apps also allow you to invest your money right through the app which really helps take out some of the guess work if you are new to investing. 

3. Home Care

renovationEnvironment plays a huge role in our mood. You probably feel a lot more motivated when your house is clean and organized. Taking care of your space is important so whether you plan to do some fresh paint, major renovations, or even if you are planning to sell your home, prioritizing your space is a must.

Switching out all the holiday decorations at the end of the year gives us the perfect opportunity to revamp our space. Swapping out small things like throw pillows or wall art can completely change the look of your space without any major expenses. Or if you are due for a more extensive refresh, a fresh coat of paint or new rugs or flooring can help bring your space into the current times.

Most importantly making sure you have a good routine to keep your space as clean as possible is the best way to reduce environment induced stress. Try setting up a schedule with your family members or roommates to make sure the work is evenly distributed. Also, there is no shame in hiring a professional when life gets overwhelming. Having some extra help during your busiest weeks can be a lifesaver on your stress levels.

No matter what the source of your stress, there are solutions for you. Keeping yourself calm as we head into the New Year doesn’t have to be complicated. Once you identify the source (or sources) of your stress then you can address it with the appropriate plan and attack it directly. Then say hello to the more calm, cool, and collected you, and leave your stress and worries behind when the clock strikes midnight.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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