How to Make Your Home More Appealing To Buyers

Make Your Home More Appealing To Buyers

Are you looking to sell your home and not getting any buyer for it? Then you are probably not making it appealing enough to attract them. When selling your home, try to look at your house from the buyer’s perspective. To make a lasting impression on your potential buyer, you need to remove the owner’s ‘hat’ and put on the buyer’s hat.

Real estate is a competitive market, and unless you work to make your house stand out of the crowd, you won’t get any buyer or the right price for it. There are plenty of little things you can do to overhaul the house instead of investing a big amount in remodelling it completely.

Here are a handful of small ideas from one of the best home builders in Calgary that will add thousands of dollars to its value and appeal to the buyer:

Seven simple yet effective ways to make your home more appealing to home buyers.

1.   De-Clutter

declutter-your-homeEvery person has its way to decorate their house. Not everyone has the same taste. The buyer may dislike the things you have collected over the years during your stay in the house. De-clutter and consider putting away your stuff in a storage unit. Do not keep the things in the garage or attic because your potential buyer may like to see that as well. Some of the things that can be de-cluttered are large-sized furniture, Kitchen countertop appliances, and wall decors, CDs, books, and magazines. Make your home look spacious to the buyer.

2.   Clean up

A clean house is inviting and gets noticed immediately. It is one of the least expensive ways to make your house attractive and ready for selling. Start cleaning up the house, starting by scrubbing dirty floors, dusty tables, kitchen countertops, messy washroom, and tidy every nook and corner of the house. Mow down the lawn, trim the hedges and wash the driveway to make the entrance show worthy. If the condition of the house is out of your hands, hire professional cleaners for a marathon tidying session. Once each section of the house is spic and span, keep things tidy until it is on the market. The buyer can show up anytime to have a look.

3.   Fix the Little Things

window-and-door-repair.Once you have cleaned and de-cluttered your house, it is time to fix the small things that have been overlooked by you over the years. Inspecting each room and fixing up little things that do not need much effort is a smart step in making the house catch buyer’s attention. Some of the fixes can be:

  • Fill up the cracks in the wall
  • Fix the broken floorboard
  • Eliminate the source of unpleasant odours in the house
  • Fix other damages like broken kitchen cabinets, leaking faucets, broken doorknobs, etc
  • Remove the rust and polish the items after little repairs
  • Add indoor plants in the hallway or on the stair
  • Put some flowers on the table in the hallway and add a fruit bowl to the dinner table

Walk through your house and inspect each space. Fix everything small thing that is visible and grab the buyer’s attention. Making an effort in prepping up the house can add value to the sale and can earn you some extra dollars.

4.   Go For Neutral Paint

A newly painted wall gives the house a completely new look. Freshen up the wall of your house with neutral-coloured paints in light shades to make it look more spacious. Add a double coat of paint in children’s rooms where they have scribbled in their early years and places where moulds have grown up on the wall. Painting in white help buyer visualizes your house as an empty canvas that they would like to paint in their own colours. Paint the staircase and balcony railing along with the doors, which will give a whole new appearance and have a better chance to sell.

5.   Add lightings to brighten the house

Lighting DesignLighting is one of the most wanted features home buyers in Calgary look for while searching for a house. When you are putting up your house for staging, don’t forget to add lots of lights into it because a bright house is sold faster. Adding lighting and fixtures can change the feel of the home and highlights the best parts of the house. Fix the old and burnt out lamps and add soft light in the hall and bedroom while bright lights in the kitchen and bathroom. Tie the curtains and let the natural light brighten up the rooms. Add modern and contemporary lamps in the corners to make them vibrant and remove any lights that are outdated and don’t add worth to the house.

6.   Make your kitchen inviting

A buyer holds his final decision until he witnesses the kitchen. If he is pleased with the kitchen, then you are surely going to make the sale. Look for inexpensive and cosmetic ways to Upgrade your kitchen. Bring small changes to your kitchen appliances by giving them a mini facelift utilizing your creativity and make it the most inviting part of your house. Instead of changing the old cabinets and drawers, paint them in a neutral colour and add new handles. Don’t go harsh on your budget and use your imagination to remodel the entire area. Look for economical ways to arrange things in such a way that captivates the cash home buyers to offer you the most cash for your home. The nice and warm kitchen gives a great return on investment.

7.   Fix up your curb appeal

landscaping is importantThe front of the house will be the first to get noticed by a buyer. It gives the first impression of how the inside of the house will be. The curb appeal should be welcoming and promise an indication of what lies inside. Add value to the curb by planting pots on the sides, fix the dead patches, and remove the weeds. Remove any unwanted items from the house exterior and retouch little things to improve the landscape.

Final Thoughts

Once you have prepped up your house, click high resolution perfectly angles pictures and put them on various realtor websites to capture the attention of potential buyers. For these luxury home builders in Calgary, these renovation tips can help them get a buyer quickly and can give a much greater return on investment. To maximize the chances of getting a buyer, use the above simple tips and sell your home faster.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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