Interview: Cole designs furniture to last functionally for generations

Recently, I happen to come across Cole Scego’s designs, his idea of fabricating furniture with ‘powder coating application’ really appealed to me hence I thought of having him here with us. He feels that he designs furniture in a style brought forth by the orchestra of his mental faculty. ‘Owning my work may drive a plethora of conscious, beautiful people to your front door. They will propel themselves toward you, they will demand a view of this work’, says he.

More after a slight jump.

cole scego

1. Who is Cole Scego in flesh and blood?

Cole: I am just a regular dude. A humble fellow with a lovely wife and two dogs.

2. How far have your work been able to stand the test of time pulsating in the ideology of sustainability and throw away products?

Cole: Sustainability is a very important factor in my design. I create high quality work that is designed to last functionally for generations.

3. How your work would create positive impact on its proposed environment?

Cole: Most of my work is designed for specific clients. I try to create objects that will be the focus point of a room, not items that function as part of a grand scheme. I also try to create something I think they might show their friends.

4. Does your design focus on material exploration?

Cole: Currently I focus mainly on aluminum and powder coating because it’s my comfort zone. I am not opposed to exploring other materials, I suppose nothing has jumped out to grab me yet and I have plenty of exploring still to do within the realms of aluminum and powder coating.

cole table

5. How do you conceptualize the design you’re working on and incorporate it into your design process?

Cole: My design process is fairly simple and there is no use in making it sound interesting. I usually think of something, draw it, and then make it. That’s about it.

6. What is your favorite material to work with?

Cole: Aluminum, powder coating.

7. Cole, would you please acquaint our readers with the “powder coating application” put in use by you?

Cole: Powder coating is a VOC free coating that is applied electrostatically. Most people would look at it and assume it to be “paint”. It is a very interesting material to me, and possibly a few others. I dare to bore you here, and explain the entire process, though a plethora of information on powder coating is available online for anyone who desires to learn a bit more.

8. Do you think there’s something you’re most proud of so far, one particular project that came off really well?

Cole: I am a real big fan of being proud of my creations therefore, if I am unhappy, I rework it, or start over.

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9. What according to you are the emerging trends in the field of furniture designing?

Cole: Sustainability, sexiness and quality, the three work beautifully hand in hand.

10. Where do you see yourself after five years? I mean, any dreams, or plans for the coming future?

Cole: I am a pretty humble dude, I only desire happiness.

11. Any parting words of wisdom, you’d like to leave for our readers?

Cole: Support local organic farmers, recycle, and be humble.

12. Finally, we’d like to have your views on

Cole: It is a great site with a wide variety of topics and a great editorial team. It’s one of those sites that you have to check once a day.

cole  bench chairs

Pep up for a few more questions:

What are you reading these days?

Cole: I don’t read many books, never had the patience. Every once in a while I like to get about 1/3 of the way through a book and stop, it’s just my style.

What’s excellent about designing?

Cole: I just enjoy creating things I desire to create.

What are your weaknesses?

Cole: I drink a fair amount of beer.

Your wildest dream would be?

Cole: World peace.

cole bed

Thank you Cole for this wonderful interview, before signing off, I’d like wish you luck for all your future endeavors.

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