Keep Your House Clean and Free From Allergens


Your home should be a place that is easy to breathe without having any allergy triggers. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. The air quality of your house can be challenging to maintain, which means allergy sufferers (or anyone for that matter) are more likely to have symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes and coughing.

 allergy-issueAlthough it is next to impossible to have your home completely allergen-free all the time, there are steps you can take that

will help keep it manageable. Here are a few options to help you improve the air quality of your home and keep it allergen-free.

Install a Home Ventilation System

A home ventilation system is one of your best options for regulating temperature, humidity and the air quality in your home. The system continuously circulates the air throughout the house, replacing it with fresh air from outside.

As the air sits, it fills up with allergens that trigger those symptoms. If it does not get circulated, those allergens will then seep into furniture, causing a bigger problem. So by using a ventilation system to move the air, you are less likely to have dust and odors lingering around.

For more information on this system, check out this website.

Regular Dusting

CleaningDust is a common trigger for allergies. If not cleaned up, they become a habitat for dust mites that will wreak havoc for allergy sufferers. So you’ll want to make it a habit of routinely dusting the house.

Improperly dusting though can actually cause more problems as it can spread the dust around, rather than cleaning it up. So use a damp cloth that will hold the dust in rather than kicking it up. If there is a lot, wear a dust mask,so you don’t breathe it in.

Regular Vacuuming

Vacuuming should also be a part of your routine cleaning. Allergens in the air or dust on furniture can get stuck in the fabric of carpets. So with regular vacuuming, you are then sucking up any allergens held in the carpet.

Wash Your Bedding

beddingThose dust mites mentioned above, they thrive on things like your bedding, pillows and blankets. They feed off of the skin cells we shed. So places that are most common to have skin cells will need to be regularly washed. It is a good habit to wash your bedding once a week on hot water and in a hot dryer to kill any dust mites and allergens.

Prevent Mold Growth

Mold is quite harmful to not just allergy sufferers, but to everyone living near it. Mold develops when there is an excess amount of moisture, like in the bathroom or kitchen.

If you notice areas that have lots of water around, first check to make sure there isn’t a leak. Regularly clean items that produce and hold lots of moisture, like the bathroom, sink and even the fridge. The ventilation system we talked about is also effective in reducing the chance of mold growth.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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