Queen Elizabeth II stamp rugs for floor/wall decoration

rug stamps

Imagine postage stamps lying on the floors of your home! The mere thought makes you curious to pick them up and place them in the drawer or shelf. Well, here’s the one you won’t want to pick up because it’s designed to be lying on the floor. The Queen Elizabeth II stamp rugs are what you call truly unusual indoor decorative product. From Rug-Maker, these carpets have got an exclusive global license to manufacture Machin’s Stamp Rugs was granted by the Royal Mail. 100% handmade from 100% New Zealand wool available in Nepal, the rugs are can be selected from the varying sized pieces of different colors. Besides using these to decorate the floors of your room, you can buy pieces for walls too. Fill up the form at Stamprugs and take home decorative stamps of your choice.

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Via: Freshome/Decoesfera

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