If your trendy home is endowed with pool, you actually have the reason to feel blessed. Well, the maintenance of pools is not as easy as it appears to be. Many of the pool owners surely are nodding their head in consent. Cleaning the pool asks for good amount of time and money. Actually, no more! Solar-Breeze, the first of its kind robotic pool cleaner does the job by using the natural source of energy available. The Solar-Breeze sucks juice from the sun to work. It collects the debris from the pool surface and makes sure your pool doesn’t stink to the bottom. The smart pool skimmer helps cut the maintenance cost to a level that you won’t stop think much before making the investment. The initial cost of the Solar-Breeze is a bit higher than the traditional manual ones available. you’ll have to shell around $500 but it’s worth it!
Via: Gizmodo