Some Essential Steps for a Quick and Stress-Free Move

Some Essential Steps for a Quick and Stress-Free Move

According to the two schools of thought, moving can be an exciting or stressful experience. You’re closing a chapter of your life and starting a new one, and the pressure to make everything perfect makes your heart skip a beat.

Starting a new life can be thrilling, and even if you are moving to your dream house, getting away from a place where you’ve built so many memories is quite bitter-sweet. Even so, stepping out of your comfort zone and relocating is a process most people undergo in their lifetime. Only in 2021, 8.4% of the American population moved house. And if someone who’s moved out a dozen times would give you a piece of advice, they would tell you to plan ahead and get organized.

We’ve covered the moving process if you were wondering how to best approach the relocating experience. Here are some hacks borrowed from the pros on the best moving strategy and what to pack for easy relocation.

Moving advice

1. Schedule utilities at your new home

Moving and reinstalling a new home can be a long and overwhelming process, especially since it involves utility companies turning off and on the utilities in your houses.

Depending on the utilities, you should schedule them weeks ahead of the day of your move so they are available upon your arrival. Schedule the termination and set up days for the utility services at your houses considering this list of crucial utilities:

  • Water and sewer
  • Electricity
  • Natural gas
  • Cable and internet
  • Trash pickup.

2. Organize your stuff

Juggling a variety of moving tasks isn’t a child’s play. Set an organizing strategy and goals and identify what’s important to you so your home will incorporate everything you need from the start. Work at your own pace when packing to ensure you don’t leave anything of paramount importance behind.

It would be best if you started with the bureaucratic paperwork like birth certificates and documents of your houses, as leaving a T-shirt or flower pot behind won’t mess up your moving processes like forgetting essential records and information. It’s wise to look at every paper and receipt and create a red tape dedicated folder.

3. Start packing ahead of time

The time people need to spend on packing differs from the number of items they move, the size of their vehicle, their needs and the size of their new home, but there are still some essentials anyone must write down on their packing list.

It would be best if you started packing at least three weeks before the move, in case you were thinking “It’s too early to start packing. I still have some days left for this”. Don’t forget that leaving it up to the last minute increases the chances you forget essential items behind. Things you regularly use can wait while seasonal clothes and artwork should be packed and labeled in advance.

4. Seek outside help

Your mindset can make the difference between a successful or chaotic relocation, and you shouldn’t rely only on yourself. Reach out for your friends’ help or for more experienced individuals to help you through the moving process.

Nobody who has ever moved can tell you it’s no sweat. Chances are you’ll be told they wish they had hired a moving company to help them move house. Taking advantage of the services of a professional moving firm is a convenient way to make your moving process less stressful and risky.

Note that researching and comparing different firms takes time, and the longer you wait to contact one, the higher the fees. Luckily, you can find moving companies near you here, ask for quotes and ponder which one best suit your needs. Considering that there are quite a lot of moving firms in this market, you should consider the following factors when choosing the right one for you:

  • The company is licensed
  • It is experienced
  • It accepts most payment options
  • It has good online reviews
  • It offers a free moving estimate
  • It provides a comprehensive quote.

Packing tips and tricks

1. Declutter

One of the best parts of moving is that it forces you to go through your things, declutter and help you figure out what bulky stuff takes up your space uselessly.

Do the sorting in a hurry, even if ordering and checking objects gathered unnecessarily is not your cup of tea. There’s no point in keeping and moving stuff you have not used in a while, but have kept there “just in case”. You only need to bring the “must-haves” with you, and the good part is you can donate, sell or take the items that no longer serve you out to auction.

2. Invest in quality boxes

There are many options when choosing boxes, so you might be tempted to buy more at a lower price. Instead, you should do the exact opposite: purchase high-quality, strong boxes and choose medium-sized ones to minimize the risk of dropping them. Here are some tips on how to efficiently pack and secure your valuable items:

  • Use clothes and linens to secure objects – you can forget the cushion roll as clothes do the trick and save you some space.
  • Label your moving boxes – you should write down the items packed in every box, so you know what is left on your packing checklist.
  • Use quality packing tape – there’s even “fragile” tape for items that need extra care.

3. Bring your essentials

Pondering what is essential and what is not can give you a headache, especially if you’re in love with most of your belongings. Whatever your basic needs are, there are some necessities that you must put on your packing list, such as:

  • A basic first-aid kit
  • Spare batteries
  • Sheets and pillows
  • Toiletries
  • Cleaning supplies
  • A flashlight
  • A sunblock
  • Medicine
  • A portable coffee maker
  • Basic cookware and gadgets
  • A small, portable tool kit
  • Duct tape. 

Organization and planning ahead help you move like a pro!

To carry out a move is a stressful and overwhelming experience, but keeping the pieces of advice above in mind will undoubtedly make your moving adventure run smoother.

You can be time-efficient and handle all the tribulations of moving if you are organized, well-informed and plan in advance.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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