The catterpillar dish dryer – Catterpillar Escurreplatos


A homemaker or even a working woman, everyone faces the difficulty of washing the dishes and drying them. Dishwashers may not always be affordable and they take up a lot of space which is a hindrance in small kitchens. Thus, many have to resolve to natural drying of the dishes. What if something is invented which takes up very little space and is not very expensive and dries your dishes very efficiently? Catterpillar escurreplatos is just the answer for you. The escurreplatos is made of pure rubber and is waterproof. You can place the dishes on the ridges and let them dry thus not taking up much space. It comes in a cool green color and looks like a caterpillar and thus the name. It measures 60 X 80 cm and you can see it in R-evolution. Do get this one if you want to stay calm regarding the dishes.


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