Utilize wasted space with On-the-Door 48 CD File

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As you gradually move on to beyond the CD-era, you’re confronted with an inevitable question. What to do with these relics? Of course, you could just throw them out and add to the ever-growing junk. But let me suggest a cheap product that will surely come in handy. The On-the-Door 48 CD File is a two pronged solution. It takes care of the CD-problem and lets you utilize space that normally goes waste. This hanging file is to be attached to the back of any door in your house. Then on just put in all the CDs that you consider fit. Coming in silver color, the On-the-Door 48 CD File measures 63” X 20.75” and adds a bit of distinctiveness to your ordinary door. Good enough to hold 48 discs, you can get one here for $19.99.

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