10 Moving Hacks and Tips for Hiring a Professional Mover

10 Moving Hacks and Tips for Hiring a Professional Mover

Getting a new place can be exciting until you face the reality of moving. Without mincing words, it is stressful. Aside from the stress of packing, you also have to worry about your items not getting damaged in transit.

Fortunately, moving can be less stressful if well-planned. Hiring a professional mover can also ensure your items are well-packaged and not damaged in transit, according to Just-In Time Moving & Storage, a moving company in Phoenix.

Ten hacks for faster and easier moving

You should start your packing preparation at least six weeks before moving. This will give you enough time to pack and arrange everything properly. Impromptu packing can be a huge blow to your family’s emotional stability.

1. Declutter

Before you start packing, purge your home of unused and unnecessary items. This will reduce your moving cost and the stress of packing. It will also help to create more space for other things in your new home.

You can start by organizing a small area of the home. Separate the items into four categories: keep, donate, sell, and dispose.

List the items to be sold on online marketplaces like eBay, Craiglist, and Facebook marketplace. Or organize a yard sale for them.

2. Reduce grocery shopping

Reduce your grocery shopping to only the things needed until you move. This will help you reduce waste and expenses.

To do this, first, take an inventory of your grocery. Next, determine what you will need until you move. Your special dish can wait until you move to your new home, and if you must prepare it, only purchase what you will be able to finish.

3. Create a packing checklist and timeline

It is essential you stay organized. Create a checklist and timeline for completing each task. This will help you keep track of things.

The checklist should include what you will need to move and things you will need to settle into your new home effortlessly.

You may need to cancel or transfer your utilities and set up another for your new home. If you will be moving with your family, include the search for top-rated schools in the neighborhood in your checklist.

4. Take pictures

Pictures are important for three main reasons. First, to keep the memory of your old home. Secondly, you can use the picture as a reference when unpacking to identify any missing or broken items.

Thirdly, the pictures can help you record the arrangement of items you may need to disassemble during moving.

5.  Pack essentials

You want to avoid frequently unpacking boxed items to find toiletries or change clothes if you are going to work the next day. To prevent this, pack the essential items separately. You can easily access them even when you are too tired to unpack at your new home.

Essentials should be packed in a bag you can conveniently travel with. Also, include your credit cards and laptops in your essentials to avoid them being stolen during the move.

6. Identify your moving need

Moving is different for every individual and is largely influenced by need. Once you have decided what you will be moving, consider the items’ size, the complexity of moving them, and the distance of your new home.

This is help in choosing the right service — whether you need help with packing or only need transportation.

7. Get boxes

Even if offered for free, avoid using boxes from your grocery store for moving. They have come in contact with food and are at risk of bug infestation. This is not the housewarming gift you will like at your new home.

Get standard boxes for general items like books and CDs. For artworks and mirrors, get specialized boxes to protect them from damage.

Your moving needs should also be considered when choosing boxes for your items.

8. Start packing

Relocation takes time. It is a task best-tackled bit by bit to avoid burnout. You can start by packing one room after the other. Dedicate an hour daily to do this.

This helps you relax but packing a few days before moving or overnight can be overwhelming and extremely stressful.

9. Hire a professional mover

Movers do not only make packing easier, but they also make it possible, especially if you need to handle heavy lifting.

Generally, professional movers are trained to safeguard your belongings and ensure you have a smooth move. They make your move memorable – good or bad – depending on your choice of moving company.

Tips to hire a professional mover

  • Set budget
  • Research registered moving companies in your area.
  • Get multiple estimates to shortlist those that fit your budget.
  • Check the online reputation of the companies.
  • Confirm the credentials and qualifications of your chosen mover
  • Read through the terms and conditions in the service contract.

10. Check your insurance policy

Check your renter’s insurance to see if it covers your items during a move. This will ensure the safety of your belongings in case of damage and theft.

Regardless, moving companies usually offer insurance for their service. Ask the company about their insurance policy to understand what to expect if the unexpected happens.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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