3 Dos And 2 Don’ts When Planning A Full-House Renovation

When Planning A Full-House Renovation

You should take it easy if you’re bombarded with uncertainties and doubts while planning a renovation. You’re not alone, and many other homeowners experience the same thing. After all, home renovations can get tacky and stressful to plan, especially if it’s a large-scale one.

But when you use a guide and plan for your home renovation, you’ll be able to sort out the necessary things and make a good project workflow. On the other hand, a lack of planning could lead to mishaps and disorganization. Therefore, before you get your home renovation off the ground, it’s best to know what steps to take and what to avoid.

Read this informative page and start your home renovation with less stress and a stable mind.

Here are some of the dos and don’ts of a full house renovation:

1. Do Consider You And Your Family’s Needs

Mature couple choosing paint colors

The first thing you need to consider when planning a home renovation is to assess the needs of your household members. It’s essential to factor in the lifestyles of your partner, children, and elderly parents if they live with you. When you assess everyone’s needs and preferences, you’ll be able to turn your home into a safe and comfortable oasis for everyone. It’s natural to prioritize improving your home’s functionality and efficiency, but your home’s aesthetics is also as important.

2. Do Prepare All The Permits

Before you even begin your home renovation work, preparing all the permits necessary is crucial. It will, however, depend on the city or town you live in. You may need a permit if you plan to renovate your entire house. If you’re working with an architect or engineer, you can have them take care of this, as they may know the process better than you.

If you’re adding siding or installing new windows to your home, you may also need a permit for that project. The key is to go to your local government agency and seek guidance about the permits necessary when holding a house renovation.

Obtaining permits should be factored into your renovation schedule. Permit bureaus are busier during certain times of the year, such as during summer, so it’s essential to process the papers early. You can contact them if you’re interested in finding out how long it takes to issue permits at your permit bureau.

3. Do Hire The Right Professionals

 creating and design building blueprints and collaborate on structural analyzing of project types.

If you plan to perform some DIY tasks, think again. A large-scale home renovation is better performed and handled by the pros. You can consider hiring a general contractor too. After all, renovating your home is no small undertaking. Hiring the right professionals will make the renovation easier and more seamless for you and your family.

A professional can help you achieve the results you are looking for. In addition to their extensive knowledge of the job, they will also bring their savvy. They have all the tools, equipment, and industry secrets you may never be able to access. Since these professionals are experts in their jobs, they’ve already handled numerous home projects in the past, so you can trust them to give you the best output.

A pro is better at what they do, so leave it up to them. Furthermore, some aspects of the renovation may pose a risk, such as electrical or plumbing work. Save your money and your health by not putting yourself at risk.

1. Don’t Overlook Budget Planning

Plan your budget well. Many homeowners often ignore this step, only to spend beyond what they can afford at the end of their home renovation. Initially, you should already have an idea as to how much each renovation task will cost. By planning your finances, you can manage your renovation more effectively.

The overall cost of a renovation will likely depend on the cost of some common building materials. It would help to know their price estimates and leave some room for inflation during the period of your home renovation. Keeping track of changes regularly will help you avoid surprises. Leave a contingency budget for unplanned expenditures.

2. Don’t Forget Setting Timelines

Like planning your finances, you should also plan your timeline. When renovating a home, you should be ready to take more time than expected. List down all the tasks your home needs and create a timeline for them. It will guide you as the homeowner and all the professionals and workers involved in your home project.


Planning a house renovation doesn’t have to be burdensome when you know the dos and don’ts. Remember to follow the tips above for a smoother and more seamless home renovation. You can take your time on cosmetic upgrades once you’ve covered the safety and security aspects of your home.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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