4 Non-Toxic Alternatives for Everyday Use

cedar blocks Natural Moth Repellant

We live in a world where mulching on toxic chemicals or using harsh ingredients in our households have seemingly become the norm. As such, we’re greatly damaging our health without even realizing it.

If you were to ask the average Joe what chemicals were in his food or the things that he uses every day, he wouldn’t know what to say. Yet, the toxins exist, and we must be careful if we want to live healthier lives. With that said, here are a few non-toxic alternatives to everyday items.

1.      Reusable Water Bottles

use of glass bottle is an eco friendly optionWe’ve been there. We’ve all been there. You’re running errands downtown and you’re thirsty as all hell. There are no drinking fountains nearby, so you end up buying a bottle of water from the shop. Sure, it’s just one plastic bottle. It won’t leave THAT much of an impact on the environment. But what if we told you it leaves a great impact on you?

You see, plastic bottles usually contain BPA and other harmful chemicals that can provoke negative reactions within your body. It’s much safer to use a glass bottle or one of those trendy reusable ones we’ve seen celebrities use.

2.      Natural Moth Repellants

Those old-fashioned mothballs that you use… let’s talk about them. They smell bad, don’t you agree? Like your grandma’s clothes after they’ve been held captive in a dirty attic, we’d say. But wait, hold on. It’s not just that. They’re little balls of toxic chemicals that can cause dizziness, headaches and nausea.

As such, you might want to consider discarding them and using a natural moth repellant instead. You can use cedar blocks or herbal solutions that smell nice, such as lavender, rosemary, mint, and cloves. They all work just fine, and if you have a garden, they’re practically free, unlike those classic mothballs that you have to get from the store.

3.      Non-Toxic Dishwasher Detergent

Non-Toxic Dishwasher DetergentDetergents come in all shapes and sizes, from pods to tablets and classic powder form. However, most of the usual brands you see on the market have quite a couple of harsh chemicals that damage the environment – and your health, for obvious reasons.

One of the most noticeable problems can be seen in people with skin conditions. If you accidentally get common dishwasher detergent on your hands, you might trigger some unwanted itchiness and redness. With that said, it might be worth taking a look at the best dishwashing liquid for eczema.

4.      Natural Insect Repellants

Aren’t you tired of the nasty smell that insect spray leaves behind? It’s gross, it makes you cough, and it can be quite irritating if there’s enough of it in the air. Instead, you can try mint, tansy, vinegar, or some lemon juice that you can sprinkle at the entrance point where you can see insects come into your house or in places that they might hide.

You’d be surprised how these otherwise pleasant natural substitutes can keep insects at bay. Some would argue that they do a far better job than any insect repellant on the market. And even if it’s not as efficient as sprays, it’s still worth a shot since it’s basically risk-free.

The Bottom Line

Which of these replacements have you gotten a chance of trying? How did it all work out for you? Leave us a comment below and share your thoughts with the rest of our community.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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