Architectural Safety Fencing for the Pool


Lots of us own and enjoy inground swimming pools. Though luxurious, pools can present hazards to family members and pets. If you have children, animals, or anyone to whom the pool should not be available when unattended, architectural safety fencing is the best solution. You shouldn’t have to give up the pool, or worry about the one you have, simply because you’ve got kids or other pool-sensitive folks around. Here’s how it works.


Think of architectural pool fencing almost like one of those safety nets that goes around a large trampoline (just more beautiful). The fencing is made of high quality tempered glass, framed in stainless steel. The steel framing is minimal, leaving you an unobstructed view of your pool and your back yard. The fence is gated, providing easy access to the water for anyone who needs to use it. The gate and fencing also keeps people out when the pool does not need to be in use. This is particularly useful when you have little ones around. While pool related deaths are not common, they do happen. If you are making the investment of an in-ground pool, it makes sense to go all the way with safety. After all, you’ll be entertaining others in addition to your own family, and making sure the pool is safe when unobserved is one of the most responsible things you can do.


Glass pool fencing, as offered by Aquaview, has a number of advantages over alternative pool safety remedies. There are plenty of other fencing options in different materials: iron, aluminum, mesh. But each of these provides a visual obstruction to your yard and landscaping, as well as from outside the pool to inside. In many cases, when trying to make the pool safer, visually obstructive fencing will work against your goals, especially if you are unable to see what’s going on in the water when you are not swimming in it yourself. Even when not considering safety specifically, glass fencing works much better with the way people actually use their pools in real life. After all, most people with pools use them for entertaining. With standard fencing, your party-goers who are swimming will be cut off from the action going on on land. With glass fencing, everybody can see each other and communicate. The individual glass panels are even spaced enough to let sound through, for talking and laughing, but not so wide that accidents could occur.


Finally, glass fencing will increase your property value, as the safety measure is becoming more standard. When selling your home, the simple addition will open up your house to more potential buyers – those with children or other family members who should not have unimpeded access to a swimming pool at all hours. These fencing options are easy to install, usually well within the capabilities of a DIYer. If you are interested in the option of glass safety fencing for your pool, take a few minutes and see what options are available to you. The investment is worth it, for safety, aesthetics, and equity.


Article Submitted By Community Writer.

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