Bathroom Stalls: The Recommended Dimension Guide

Bathroom Stalls

If you are a homeowner, bathroom stalls measurements are probably the least of your concerns. However, if you manage a commercial company or a building that contains a public toilet, you must be mindful of the bathroom stalls’ size.

Knowing the measurements of bathroom stalls can assist you in ensuring that the bathroom stalls under your control or custody are accessible to the public in a comfortable and safe manner.

The basic dimensions of a bathroom stall will be tackled in this article.

What Exactly Are Bathroom Stalls?

Before we discuss their required measurements, let us first look closely at bathroom stalls.

A bathroom stall is a covered compartment equipped with a urinal or toilet for public use. Bathroom stalls are said to have originated in ancient Rome.

Apart from toilet paper, a bathroom stall’s extra amenities include toilet seat covers, a trash bin, and a coat hook.

Nowadays, public restrooms are frequently equipped with bathroom stalls. These are divided into women’s and men’s restrooms. Additionally, wheelchair-accessible restroom cubicles are widespread. Typical features include more oversized doors, grab bars, and adequate space within the stall for users to turn. In many African and Asian countries, squat toilets are more prevalent because they are thought to be highly hygienic.

What Are the Recommended Dimensions of a Bathroom Stall?

Apart from focusing on dimensions of a bathroom stall, the stalls must also adhere the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This law requires that all businesses must conform their facilities to make them accessible to people with impairments. This does not just apply to bathroom stalls; it also applies to other public locations like building entrances and accessibility to other areas.

Bathroom stalls must be at minimum 60 inches or 152 cm wide to comply with this ADA regulation. The width of the door must be around 34 and 36 inches to allow for the passage of a wheelchair.

A wall-mounted toilet’s standard depth is 56 inches. On the other hand, if the toilet is fixed on the floor, it must be at least 59 inches deep.

The partition or stall wall is typically 58 inches tall without pilasters. Compartments and doors must be placed 12 inches above the floor. Adding 12 inches of empty space would also help with cleaning and sanitizing.

A grab bar is a must-have in an ADA bathroom since it helps avoid injuries and accidents. The length of this section of a bathroom must be at a minimum of 36 inches. It must not be over six inches from the back wall’s corner. The average height of a grab rail is between 33 and 36 inches from the ground. This position places the rails on the safe side of the floor.

To sum it up:

  • Bathroom stalls which adhere to the ADA must be at least 60 inches wide.
  • The door should have a width of between 34 and 36 inches.
  • A partition or stall wall is typically 58 inches tall.
  • Partition and door must be 12 inches above floor level.
  • A grab bar must be at least 36 inches long and not over 6 inches from the back-wall corner to comply with the ADA.
  • The height of the grab rail is between 33 and 36 inches from the ground.

Bathroom Stalls: Types

While you may not notice it, bathroom stalls vary in terms of design, the material used, and installation. In the United States, there are four distinct styles of bathroom stalls. Whichever model you pick for your commercial institution must comply with ADA regulations and standard bathroom stall measurements.

1.  Overhead braced stall or floor-anchored stall is the first of these sorts. It features 82-inch or two-meter-tall pillars, and, as indicated by the stall’s name, it should be mounted or fastened to the floor.

Additionally, the floor-anchored stall extends to the ceiling. A rail is also constructed to facilitate connection to the pilasters. Additionally, it must extend 12 inches above the top of the door.

The ceiling bar helps in providing support and security for high-traffic areas, particularly those seen in malls and commercial businesses in urban areas. This is the most popular and least priced style of bathroom stalls.

2. Furthermore, there are stalls that are suspended from the ceiling. This stall design lacks floor pillars; as a whole structure is suspended from the ceiling. The primary advantage of this sort of stall arrangement is that there are no obstructions on the floor. As a result, they are simple to maintain and clean.

This style of stall placement creates a modern, levitating appearance. It might give your home a futuristic feel. The disadvantage is that it would cost you somewhat more due to the requirement to attach an additional ceiling steel support for the building. However, one may claim that the additional expense is recouped by reduced maintenance expenditures.

3. There are also floor-mounted booths, which are a more economical choice. It features columns that reach a conventional elevation of 70 inches from the floor. The stalls tilt slightly to the floor, leaving the over-the-top area unobstructed. Additionally, this style of a stall is simple to construct, requiring only 12 inches of wall penetration. Although they are inexpensive, floor-mounted stalls are considered obsolete these days.

4. Finally, there are the stalls that are fastened from floor to ceiling. This is the most durable method of installing stalls. It is equipped with floor and ceiling support. Due to these characteristics, this is the most efficient and appropriate choice for public spaces.

This stall’s resistant panels and doors are 12 inches from the floor. This is the preferred choice or installation type for commercial enterprises due to its durability. However, it may not be appropriate to be used in schools with a high rate of vandalism.


The proportions of standard bathroom stalls have been established for a reason. With population growth, particularly in metropolitan areas, the demand for public bathrooms increases as well.

Understanding conventional stall measurements is only the beginning of a property manager’s or company owner’s compliance efforts with government regulations. Naturally, if you intend to install bathroom stalls in your business, you must adhere to local and federal regulations to avoid violations and issues with the law.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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