Benefits of using a glass hearth for your residential fireplace


We all are familiar with the warmth-radiating imagery of a lounge and fireplace filled with burning and cracking logs. There is no doubt that fireplace is an essential home amenity during winters and its need increases manifold during tremendous temperature drops.

The shape and form of the fireplace have considerably changed with time. Most of the contemporary residential architectural blueprints don’t have those same old chimney fireplaces. Due to space constraints and better utility, portable stoves have become popular among homeowners.

This new range of fireplaces in the form of wood-burning, electric and gas stoves has begotten the need of another article called hearth. To put it in simple words, hearths make up the floor beneath the stove and its surrounding. Hearths for stoves come in a variety of materials. But in this article,we will have our focus on glass hearth. There is a whole set of reasons why homeowners should go with glass hearth for their residential stoves or fireplaces (as they were called before).

For the protection of residential flooring

glass-hearth-for-your-residential-fireplaceStoves used to heat residential spaces are usually placed on the ground. Their heat content andbulky weights can prove to be damagingfor the floor. The weight of the stove and the continuous transfer of heat through convection can result in chipping and cracking in that particular area of the floor.

Providing a platform to the stove in the form of glass hearth can help in protecting the floor from unnecessary wear and tear. Thick glass sheet that is used in the making of hearths for stoves acts as a poor conductor. So, it makes a barrier between the stove and the floor. Moreover, the silica used in the manufacturing of glass hearth is capable of bearing the weight of the stove.

For the prevention of fire hazards

One can’t entirelyrule out the possibility of a fire hazard no matter how safe the whole fireplace setup is. However, the chances of fire calamity increaseunder these conditions.

  • When homeowners are using wood-burning stoves
  • If the house is structured with wooden flooring

In both of these cases, hearths for stoves can play an effective role in the prevention of fire hazards. A glass hearth covering the surrounding area of the stove can prevent the falling of any burning wood log onto the floor that might cause damages or fires.

For the prevention of contact burn

glass-hearth-for-your-residential-fireplaceBy installing glass hearth beneath the stove, you can actually demarcate the area where one should not stand. Stoves,regardless of their burning techniques, are hot to touch. One can get severe burns even upon an accidental contact. The parameters of glass hearth thus indicate the areas which is not safe to stand and move.

For aesthetics

Last but not the least, glass hearth is also considered suitable from the aesthetical point of view. Their see-through appearance ensures that the room doesn’t appear as a cluttered space. Moreover, the inclusion of a glass article in the form of hearth would also provide your home with a modern touch of decoration.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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