How to Make Your Office Feel More Like Home

How to Make Your Office Feel More Like Home

In recent years, in a bid to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, employees got a taste of working from home, and many have grown so accustomed to this work pattern that they’re reluctant to return to the office.

Now with workers all over the world gradually returning to the office, it might be a good idea to redecorate the office space, giving it a more homey vibe so that employees feel excited about returning to work in the office.Here are a few ways to make the office feel like home.

1. Install Some Hardwood Floors

Selecting The Best Flooring Can Increase Your Home Value

Commercial hardwood flooring has a natural, cozy, and warm feeling that may be difficult to achieve with other types of commercial flooring. Installing hardwood floors requires a professional, especially in large office spaces. You could try the DIY option in smaller office spaces, but only if you have the right skill set and the necessary tools.

To install hardwood floors, find a reliable flooring contractor to help you decide the most suitable options for your space and handle the installation. Or, if you’re going the DIY route, pick out a suitable color and design; take your time to research installation techniques before you begin the project. Ensure you get a good idea of how much the project will cost and whether the cost is within your budget; also, find out how long the project will take and how to take care of the floors after installation to make sure they last as long as possible.

2. Encourage the Use of Sentimental Items for Decoration

Sentimental décor makes a space feel like home, so allow users of office spaces to bring in decoration items that inspire excitement or nostalgia. This could be a simple picture of family members, group photos with favorite co-workers or just inspirational quotes framed and hung on the wall. Small touches of personal décor here and there in individual offices and cubicles are meaningful and drum up pleasant memories all through the day. Make employees feel like they are decorating a home office.

It is important to have a theme or color scheme for this type of décor so that they increase visual appeal in your space rather than creating a clash or color riot. Employers could be encouraged to place these décor items on their desks and similar spots around their offices and cubicles. Encouraging employees to bring sentimental items along to work not only boosts morale but also gives them a chance to showcase creativity.

3. Prioritize Comfort

homey vibe in the office


Home is comfortable, so if going for a homey vibe in the office, comfort should be a top consideration when choosing your office fixtures. For obvious reasons, furniture shouldn’t be so soft and cozy that one immediately feels like falling asleep once they sit. Yet seats shouldn’t be so hard and unnatural that one can’t wait to get up and go home. The perfect choice for furniture is somewhere in the middle. Office desks should be ergonomic and adjustable so employees can switch things up throughout the day. Waiting room sofas should be neither too soft nor too hard and may include cushions and throw pillows.

4. Install Some Cozy Rugs

Nothing says homey more than a nice cozy rug, so plan to have some rugs in the office strategically. Avoid drab, lifeless colors and go for rugs that’ll add a fun, colorful accent to your office décor. This will make the space livelier and give workers a warm and cozy spot to sink their feet when they’re feeling stressed. Employees who feel this comfortable in the workplace are more likely to feel excited to come to work every morning, and this may even increase productivity.

5. Add Some Green to Space

woman in Green space

Having some plants in the office gives the office a more homey feel and saves the earth. The benefits of having plants as part of your décor are endless. Sadly, many employees have to spend most of their day in workplaces with no plants, striping workers of any connection to their natural environment.

Research has shown indoor plants at the workplace can have some major positive impacts on employees. Natural plants reduce stress, increase productivity, reduce sickness and absence rates, help to clean up the air inside the office, and make the workplace more homey and attractive. When picking plants for the office, remember that they need sunlight to survive, so buy plants that can survive with very little sunlight or plan to position your plants in spots where they’ll get the sun they need.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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