Hygge Design for Your Living Room

Hygge Design for Your Living Room

Undeniably, the Scandinavians have provided a whole host of fabulous homegrown elements, and from Abba to Ikea, nothing has had more impact on the world of interior design and home decor than Hygge.

Basically, the Hygge design takes its inspiration from the luxurious skichalets on the Scandinavian slopes and is not only easy to bring into your own home but also one of the most fashionable and current design choices.

So, if you are looking to transform your living room into a Hygge paradise, you have come to the right place.

1.   Natural Wood

Firstly, when conjuring an image of an apres-ski villa at the bottom of the Austrian slopes, you will no doubt imagine copious spaces filled with wooden furniture items, and this is exactly what you want to be aiming for in your own living room.

As a general rule, you should look to incorporate this natural wooden aesthetic into the door frames and flooring, too, but if you are determined to stick to a budget, ensure that all the wooden items of furniture are of similar color, texture, shade, and tone.

2.   Maximize Natural Light

Another mainstay of Hygge design is to ensure the space itself is as bright, fresh, and clean as possible, in terms of the aesthetic impression you get when you enter the room, but also in terms of maximizing window space.

If there is a possibility of adding a skylight, for example if you live on the top floor of an apartment block, then this will win you extra Hygge points.

3.   Warmth Is Everything!

Another incredibly crucial element of the Hygge design framework is that of warmth, both physically in the living room and also through color, texture, and tone of décor and layout.

If you are really looking to embrace Scandinavian chic, then it is time to upgrade your current model of radiator to a vertical radiator, which will add another design element to the overall finish.

4.   Indoor Greenery

Indoor plants are not only a crucial component of Hygge, but they are also exceedingly on-trend right now, both here in the United States and in the UK, too.

The movement to bring in as much of the natural environment as possible seems to have come in conjunction with a huge shift in focus to a more sustainable, eco-friendly home, with indoor plants providing myriad benefits, including:

  • Sharper concentration and attention spans
  • A way to unleash your creative side
  • Cleaner and fresher air inside the room
  • A way to naturally reduce levels of stress and anxiety
  • A great way to boost your levels of productivity in and around the home

5.   Candles, Candles & More Candles

Finally, but one of the integral elements of a truly Hygge interior living space, invest in a plethora of white pillar candles (cream is also acceptable).

Make sure you buy different thicknesses and heights of candles and arrange them in clusters to add texture, interest, and, of course, valuable sources of light and warmth.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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