The most durable countertops are the ones made of engineered stone. They are created in laboratories where engineers modify their properties according to the customers’ needs. However, natural materials such as granite, marble, or concrete are also remarkably sturdy and resistant to damage. You can easily select the one that fits your taste and budget.
Pros and cons
Laminate. If your aim is to save as much as possible, opt for laminate. Its price falls within the range from $20 to $50 per square foot.
Granite is the second most affordable option from our list. Its minimum price starts at the level of $35, and its maximum price might reach $75 per square foot. You’ll hardly find a cheaper stone.
Marble normally costs from $40 to $100 per square foot.
With quartz, the price depends on its looks, color, and the company that produces it. Be ready to pay from $100 per square foot.
Concrete would usually cost from $65 to $135 per square foot.
To this, please add the cost of professional installation. It’s close to impossible to handle stone slabs by yourself, and if you try to install laminate with your own hands it might tell on its durability.
Useful tips
When selecting the material, don’t look for “the best” option. Instead, select the one that precisely meets your particular needs. For instance, if you prefer to chop carrots right on the countertop, avoid marble. If your cooker is located in the middle of the kitchen counter, don’t install laminate. For the bathroom, you’ll hardly need a heat-resistant countertop, unless you’re planning to put red-hot hair curlers on it — so you won’t need to invest in quartz.
All of the above-listed materials are good for an indoor kitchen. For outdoor usage, you should avoid laminate because it’s too prone to damage or marble because it quickly fades and loses its shine under the influence of the weather.
To extend the service time of your countertop, you can apply epoxy sheeting on it. It’s compatible with metal, ceramics, wood, concrete, laminate, and other materials. You need to buy epoxy separately and apply it yourself on the countertop that is already installed. An epoxy coat will make your countertop more wearproof and heat-resistant plus add classy shine to it. It’s seamless, food-safe, and it will last many years, depending on the intensity of the exploitation.
And now, the tip that will please you the most: never compromise on style for the sake of competitive price. It’s quite easy to find an economical solution for a room of any style. If you failed to find a material that you like at a price that you can afford, probably you didn’t look for it diligently enough.
In addition to the ones mentioned in this article, there are many other solutions on sale to choose from: wood, slate, Corian, porcelain, limestone, soapstone, recycled glass, solid surface, butcher block, and others. Be creative, don’t limit yourself to just one-two particular options, and install a countertop that will be beautiful and pragmatic for the same time.
Frequently asked questions
· How durable are white concrete countertops?
They are scratch- and burn-resistant. However, make sure you seal them so that they preserve their initial qualities.
· Who makes the most durable formica countertops?
Top-notch formica is made by Formica. The correct name of the material is laminate. Formica is just one of the numerous companies that manufacture it. Its production became so popular that Formica turned into the household name for laminate.
· How long do epoxy countertops last and are they durable?
They can easily last for 5 years, depending on the intensity of exploitation. It will take quite a lot of effort to crack or damage it.
· What type of slab stone countertops are most durable?
If we are talking about slabs in general, it would be quartz. Among the natural ones, the answer is granite.
· How durable are painted laminate countertops?
Painted laminate is resistant only to stains but not to burn or scratches. Once it’s damaged, it’s very hard to repair it, so you’ll need to replace the countertop.
· How durable is quartz countertops?
Quartz is highly resistant to all types of damage: scratches, chips, cracks, heat, stains, mildew, mold. It’s probably the most wearproof surface available — and the most expensive one.
· Are laminate countertops durable?
No, not at all. Their best merit is that they are cheap. However, you’ll need to cook carefully not to damage the surface.
· Are marble countertops durable?
They are moderately durable and should be protected from mechanical damage. Marble is valued because of its premium status. If you need the most wearproof surface, opt for quartz or granite instead.
Article Submitted By Community Writer