Tips to clean your bathroom the smart way!

Green clean batroom

Bathroom has become a very important asset in our house in the modern times. A good bath and a good time spent in our bathrooms uplift us mentally as well as physically. A well kept and clean bathroom adds more to this. It is also very important to keep our bathroom germ free for our good health and infection-free life. The following are a few steps you can practice to keep your bathroom clean and germ free.

1. Counter-tops and mirrors: Use a mixture of baking soda with white vinegar to remove marks from marbles of your bathroom. If glass or mirrors are stained, make a paste of dry mustard and vinegar, and put the paste all over the stain. Wait for a few minutes, then rub it gently. The stain will easily go off this way.

Countertops & Mirros

2. Air Fresheners: Air fresheners are a very easy way to remove bad odor from your bathroom and replace with a good fragrance. There are a varieties of air fresheners with different fragrances, some even with flowers’ scent, available in the market. You can even make an air freshener at home. Just keep some baking soda inside your bathroom. You can also add a few cinnamon with the baking soda. Make sure to change it every three months.

3. Trash Cans: Even after cleaning, you may still experience bad odor from your bathroom. This is because of unclean trash cans. You can use baking soda to take away the odor. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda in the trash can after each time you empty it.

4. Floors: You can buy toilet cleaning liquids and detergents to keep your bathroom floor clean. However you can also make a cleaning agent yourself. Add two cups of baking soda to a bucket of warm water. You can also add some lemon juice in the water for a fresh smell. Now mop the floor with this solution for a few minutes and then rinse.


5. Toilets: Of all, toilets are most difficult to keep clean. You must ensure to clean the toilets regularly at least once a week to avoid any stubborn stains. For this, pour a half cup of vinegar all over the inner sides of your toilet; wait for thirty minutes then flush. If any stain remains, put some baking soda on it and rub it using toilet brush. In case of stains, you can also use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda.

Green toilet

6. Shower curtains : Shower curtains easily get dirty when soap water falls on them. You can use your washing machine to clean it but don’t use any detergent powder; use vinegar and baking soda instead. You can wash it without using washing machine too, just put baking soda over the curtain and scrub it with a sponge.

Shower Curtains

7. Grout: If there are stains on the grout around your tub or shower, apply some baking soda on it and rub carefully with a toothbrush. Then rinse well.

8. Tubs and shower walls: Tubs and shower walls need thorough cleaning at least twice a week. Spray vinegar all over it; then wait for a few minutes to let it dry. When it gets dry, wipe and clean it with water. You can also use baking soda directly to remove stains. To wash the rings, try undiluted vinegar in soaking paper towels. Wait until the paper towels are dry, then spray the areas again with vinegar and scrub with a sponge.

Tubs and Shower Wall

9. Shower and sink drains: In your bathroom drains, hairs often get stuck. To remove those hair, lift the drain cover and wash it with a cotton swab. Pour 1/2 cup baking soda and 1 cup vinegar into the drain, wait for 20 minutes; then flush the drain with hot water. Do it once a week. You can use a plastic or rubber hair strainer, place it over your drain. Mineral deposits would easily go away by using undiluted vinegar in soaking paper towels.

Shower and Sink Drain

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