Drying clothes made easy with the VetGroW


The VetGroW is an amazing clothes drying equipment that dries clothes quickly in a natural way and also is user-friendly as it does away with the clothespins – that are rather tedious to clip on and then take off. The equipment is placed in the center of green encirclement that also has a stool affixed at one end which can be used to sit on and also to place the tub of linen while putting them on the VetGroW.

Apart from the no-clothespin feature, the user can gain from the fact that the VetGroW does not require a lot of movement by the user to pin up the clothes and then take them off. The mechanism of the VetGroW is such that the the user is only required to place the tub of clothes on the stool (which is at a comfortable height) and each clothesline can be used by just pushing it in a circular motion and you can dry all your clothes by just standing in one spot. Likewise, after drying, the clothes can be collected by simply removing a clip and the clothes on that particular line will gently fall right in the tub placed on the stool! Apart from the functionality of the VetGroW, the aesthetic look of the equipment with a grassy area encircling the stand along with a stool – is a perfect spot for relaxation – just like a mini-terrace.

The VetGroW makes away with the difficulty of managing clothes pegs and hence by opening a single clip the clothes on that line will be removed at an instant. Another reason for creating a greenery around the product was that clothes dry faster when surrounded by certain plants such as papyrus and fern.

The mechanism of the VetGroW has been accomplished in three various stages to ensure a user-friendly approach to drying clothes and the material used on the outside of the device is waterproof fabric silicone – which ensures durability in all weather conditions. With the VetGroW drying clothes will be a simpler task to look forward to and the green mini-garden a visual treat for the owner!

Via: Jamesdysonaward

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