Effective laundry drying made easy with OXO

The Designer

The OXO good grips laundry drying system has been designed by the New York based industrial design firm. It was originally founded by Sam Farber in 1989 to develop the Good Grips range of comfortable, easy-to-use kitchen utensils. Currently, OXO International manufactures more than 850 innovative products and has proved that designing can be made easy, innovative, appealing and profitable.

Spacious Laundry Drying Center by OXO


One of the most time-consuming and messy jobs of regular living is drying wet laundry. The trouble of spreading out family laundry out to dry in the open air causes immense effort and also blocks out valuable space of your apartments as well. OXO, which is dedicated to provide for unique and innovative consumer products to make everyday living easier, has come up with a brilliant yet simple solution called as the Laundry drying center.

What’s unique

The product offers expansive options for drying clothes without having to overlap them.The laundry system has an additional side bars to hold an excess of about 50 hangers more and allows better breathing space and optimum drying options for all clothes stacked on it. Priced at $69, the product is widely affordable.

High Points

The main features of the dryer includes its sensible and sleek design that assures proper drying arrangements even in space constrained urban apartments. It is foldable and thus allows for easy transportability ensuring the user gets the best drying spot in the sun. It is also easy to maintain, use and store, thus making it a smart addition to modern homes.

Features and specifications

It has well spaced rods which are smooth and thicker to prevent wrinkling and allow air to move freely in between the hung laundry. It has been manufactured from durable coated steel tubes to enable durability, resilience and aesthetics too. It can hold as much as 100 lbs of laundry weight, taking care of even your bulky weekend laundry at one shot. It has strong legs that hold on well to this weight and moreover, the plastic contoured feet of the stand protects your floors from scratches and pressure marks as well. The OXO laundry system weighs about 13 lbs and is of 42 inches length X 19 inches wide X 38 inches height when opened to full capacity. It is portable, fold-able and with its convenient dimensions can be easily tucked away when not in use.

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