Electrolux Eco Cleaner eats up the waste to feed the plants

eco cleaner

Electrolux definitely deserves applaud for the commendable Eco Cleaner. One-of-its-kind dishwasher, Eco Cleaner not only cleans up the dishes, but also prepares meals for your plants. Designed by Ahi Andy Mohsen, the dishwasher utilizes the ultrasonic waves to ionize the food particles and then produces the gas that is sucked and transformed into soil. During Eco working cycle all food changes to useful by-product and the soil formed settles in the tank that can be used later to feed the plants. The cleaner is made of carbon fiber that keeps it light in weight, and without any electricity you can carry it along wherever you go. So, you don’t need to waste the food anymore, Eco Cleaner is all ready to turn it into healthy food for your plants.

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Via: Yankodesign

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