Spring is in the air and if you’re thinking of putting your house or flat on the market soon, then you might also be thinking of ways to renovate or freshen it up without spending a fortune.
Well, thankfully, there’re quite a few ways, ranging from almost free, to very cheap, to maybe a little bit expensive, but all very effective. By making a few key improvements, you not only increase your chances of a quick sale, but you can also increase your final sale price.
This is a pick-and-mix list, so eyes down for a sold house…
Tidy up the garden
If you haven’t already heard of kerb-appeal, then it’s time you should. Kerb-appeal is the impression that your house makes when people walk or drive by, which they often do if they’re about to view a property. A big part of KA is the garden. Whether it’s big or small, your front garden has to look its best. Mow the lawn, replant the flower beds, lose the rusty swing set, rehome the gnomes and power-wash the garden path. The same goes for your back garden.
Replace your internal doors
If your house or flat is older, but not period, then you can really bring it up to date by replacing your tired-looking internal doors. Nothing screams outdated like an old door and so by bringing in some new ones, you’ll knock a few years off the place and bump up your prospects.
Paint the front door
Believe it or not, but a new coat of paint on the front door can add around £1,000 to your asking price! That’s not bad for a tin of paint and an afternoon’s graft, is it? Your front door is the other major component of kerb appeal, so don’t just walk through it; instead, look at it through viewers’ eyes.
Declutter the place
You’re planning to move anyway, so think of a good old decluttering session as early packing and prep! The other thing that clearing out old junk and putting lesser-used items and equipment into storage does is to open up the space and remove your personality, allowing potential buyers to imagine their stamp on it.
Clean your carpets
Of course, you may decide to replace them altogether, but if you’re refreshing on a budget, then a carpet cleaning service is a lot cheaper. It will make your floors look more inviting. You can even do it yourself if you’re really watching the pennies.
Invest in new lighting
You see your lights every day, so you don’t realise that those old bulbs are getting slowly dimmer and your lampshades are looking a bit old and dusty. Bringing in some fresh lights – maybe LED lights – will, as you might imagine, brighten up the place, while some modern lightshades will add interest and a bit of vigour. You don’t have to spend a small fortune here, just enough to replace the lights in key locations like hallways, living spaces and your porch – remember the kerb appeal?
Article Submitted By Community Writer