How to handle leaking roof temporarily before experts come to the rescue


A leaking roof is a nightmare. Your roof might have been damaged earlier, which you were unaware of. It might suddenly leak in a sudden, heavy rainstorm, and water might start seeping into your home through a hole or many holes, if there is a heavy runoff. You have to do some temporary emergency repairs, as best as you can, till the professionals arrive.

Here are some tips, which you can use to handle your leaking roof:

Common reasons for leaks

handle leaking roof temporarily

Be careful when you’re fixing the leak on the roof – it’s always better to do this when the rain stops, and don’t even expect to plug the leak permanently during the rain. After you have located the leak, you should go outdoors and study that area with your binoculars. You may discover pooling water or more than one missing shingles, or even a fallen branch, debris which has caused a dam and something wrong with the heating/ cooling vent pipe or the plumbing.

Locating the leak

To locate the leak, follow it backwards to the point/s where it is entering the roof. This might actually be at quite a distance from where water is dripping. Usually, you can follow the path along the rafters, but sometimes water flows along the roof deck’s underside.

Making temporary repairs

handle leaking roof temporarily

If the reason is a missing shingle, you can cover it with some plastic or tarp. You can ask the professionals to get the best tarp for you at affordable prices, to be prepared for any emergency.

Minimizing damage to the interior of your home

Before you go on the roof, place buckets to collect water wherever it is dripping inside the home. Tying a string to the ceiling will allow the water come down by the string, instead of droplets splashing into the buckets.

The water may damage your furniture and electronic items as well as other valuables; so, cover them with plastic sheets or move them to a dry area.

Sometimes, there could be a big bulge in the ceiling where much of the water has pooled. Pierce it with a pin and place a bucket/s to collect the water that will come out with force. After this, the volume of water dripping inside should reduce.

Pooling water can be swept away with any broom. Clear the debris and leaves and letting the water flow away, which can actually stop the leak, as there are roofs, which leak only if water is trapped. Blockages in downspout and gutters can also result in leaks.

You could also patch the roof with plywood, shingle or roofing tar, if you have them at home. Use a putty knife to fill the leak with some roofing tar, on the underside of the roof. Push the plywood or shingle into the roofing tar and use more tar round the edges of the area you have patched.

If you find water dripping into your home, it’s likely that the drywall is saturated with water. Be sure to get your roof fixed by professional roofers, preferably between 24-48 hours to stop further damage.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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