Secure home: Remote controlled lock a nightmare for robbers

remocklockey231 EzVzs 1333
The Remock Lockey may not look anything like your average top-of-the-line security system but its unique function will change your mind for sure. The strategic design of the remote controlled lock allows it to be placed “inside” the door of the room you want to secure, making lock-picking a thing of the past. The lock is designed to open via a tiny remote control, shaped like a key that offers wireless key access (much like a car lock) and up to 16 different remotes can be registered to a single lock.

What’s different?
The unique design of the Remock Lockey automatically prevents locking if the battery level is too low, so users never have to worry about accidentally locking themselves out of a room because of dead batteries!

Price and availability
The fun and functional Remock Lockey can be purchased online for 198,000 Korean won ($163) from FunHop.

Better options
Kwikset SmartScan Keyless fingerprint lock

The SmartScan Keyless Lock is commercial-grade, bump-proof, drill resistant and can resist UL pick testing to the max. This key-less lock uses a single scan of your fingerprint to open and far outperforms regular digital locks.

Web-Based Security Systems
Using Internet-connected computer, PDA or text-enabled cell phone, e-Secure allows users to control and monitor alarm status, arm and disarm system, view system history, as well as add and delete users to make their business security systems more secure.

Source: Dvice

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