Creative thinking and technological advancement today work hand in glove to offer newer, quirkier as well as more sophisticated modern products. It is the same with refrigerators. They are evolving all the time with limitless possibilities in terms of size, shape and color. But, the ultimate emphasis is on the functional features and the optimal usage of energy. Aimed to keep food fresher, the current energy efficient and accessible refrigerator models can meet varied lifestyle demands and satisfy diverse consumer needs.
1. Soft refrigerator
Handy is not the word that would come to mind when you think of a refrigerator, but the soft refrigerator has made it possibile. Fitted with a folding configuration, the fridge has adjustable storage space which lessens energy consumption and transforms it into a portable item. A central retractable bracing pillar enables you to adjust its size and the translucent membrane which serves the purpose of insulation is stretchable to accommodate the changing size. The pillar also contains holes which facilitate cooling. There is a stretchy slide fastener on the heat-insulating membrane for opening the fridge.
2. Norcool Fridge in a Drawer
Modern kitchen decor often consists of simple clean lines with a minimum of visual clutter, thus making generous use of cabinets. The Scandinavian drawer fridge or refrigeration drawers (whichever way you call them) presented by Norcool integrate smoothly with the kitchen cabinet style. With a total capacity of 170 liters, the drawer fridge does not not draw more than 105 watts. It has two large external drawers and a smaller internal one. They can be taken out completely which makes them easy to clean. The open-bottomed drawer structure helps in air circulation. They also come with shock absorption features and a self-closing mechanism.
3. ASKO HomePub fridge freezer
Asko’s fridge-freezer combo is ideal for entertaining purposes. Along with all the regular features of the refrigerator, there is the special lure of the beer dispensing tap fitted on the door of the fridge while being easy on your pocket. A special compartment inside the door holds the tap thus not cutting into storage space. The HomePub freezer also contains a separate shelf for additional beer kegs. Energy-efficient and environment-friendly, the model is supplied with an electronic thermostat to maintain the right temperatures in the fridge and the freeze.
4. R2-D2 Fridge
This does not need an introduction, does it? Manufactured way back in 2002, the R2-D2 fridge was a promotional item in a contest held in Japan. With only 1000 such models believed to be in existence, it is quite the rarity. One such model surfaced in 2008 when it was offered by the ToyEast website for $1070. This diminutive refrigerator holds value more as a collector’s item than as a functional unit.
5. Samsung Zipel e-diary refrigerator
An ingenious invention of Massimo Zucchi, the e-diary refrigerator brings together two rather disparate needs: refrigeration and communication. The fridge has a 10″ touchscreen in the front and is equipped with WiFi software. Users can thus access news, weather forecasts or download music while foraging in the fridge or working in the kitchen. More of a niche product, the refrigerator was also targeted at a niche market, namely Korea. In addition to the innovative appeal, the e-diary refrigerator can facilitate multi-tasking.
6. USB Mini Fridge
This is probably personalization at its coolest. Your USB can now come fitted with your own mini fridge. In keeping with the dimensions of the original product (the USB), the mini fridge can store one can. So, if you want your can of drink to stay chilled and accessible as you work at your computer, this is just the thing for you. Simple but effective, the USB mini fridge needs 5 minutes to achieve the cooling temperature of 8.5 degrees centigrade.
7. Egg Refrigerator
This refrigerator is big for an egg but small for a fridge. In other words, it is a mini fridge with a compact design in the form of an egg. You can keep it on your desk or take it outside, maybe when you are contemplating a long car trip. It is thus effective for storing drinks and snacks and keeping them cool in the bargain. It also comes with a warming mode, thus enhancing the benefits of the egg refrigerator.
8. Stackable Refrigerator
This innovative refrigerator model is extremely user-friendly allowing individual household members with separate storage space. The fridge has a base station and 4 customizable modules. The fridge can also be used a single home unit but with the separate modules helping to compartmentalize food storage and making things more orderly.