Children tend to be very creative. Hence, it won’t come as a surprise to note them creating some wonderful art pieces from time to time. Rather than letting these pieces clutter the tables and countertops, or stashing them away in boxes, show them off proudly with the help of these tips.
Wall Strung Art
This is by far the simplest way to display your kid’s artworks. String a piece of wire or colorful twine across the length of a blank wall. Now simply use clothespins to attach the artwork to the twine. You can use multiple twines for each kid and opt to paint the clothespins a uniform color for a more uniform look.
Art on Rods
Have a clothes (or) curtain rod you hardly use in your home? Remove the drapes from it and attach your kids’ artwork to the rod using ring clips. This will offer a neater approach when compared to the wall strung art method described above.
Framed Art
If you want to display your kids’ artwork in a more systematic and professional manner, consider framing them instead. Buy old frames (shapes and sizes do not matter here) from the market and color them in a bright color like yellow or red. String some monofilaments across the frames and attach the artwork to the same with tiny pins.
Decaled Art
If frames are too much of a work, simply border the artwork using washi tape. All you need to do is paste the artwork on the wall using tape. Border the artwork with a colorful washi tape. Of course, another option is to frame the pictures using temporary decal frames which can be removed or replaced when needed.
Collage Artwork
This may take up some time, but it well worth the time and effort on your part. Your kids will love it for sure as well. You will need a blank expanse of wall for this project. Get a custom made white pegboard covering the entire wall area or least three-fourth of it. You can now use this pegboard as a backdrop for your kids’ artwork collection.
As the pieces increase, you will notice a beautiful collage taking shape before your eyes. The good thing about this arrangement is that you can easily replace pictures and other art pieces as your children age.
Fridge Facelift Art
Why stick to the same old routine of using fridge magnets or tape to attach your kids’ artwork to the refrigerator? Consider doing an upgrade by opting to use magnetic frames to display artwork in a more systematic and organized manner. The end result will astound your kids for sure.
Cabinet Door Artwork
Another interesting place to display your children’s artwork is on cabinet doors. Attach frames to the cabinet doors and roll a thin monofilament across the frames. Attach the artwork to the monofilament with the help of pins. If that doesn’t work, attach standard clipboards to the cabinet doors using glue. Now simply clip the artwork to the boards and enjoy customized cabinet door art.
Ledge Artwork
Have some empty ledges in your home? Then consider using them as the perfect place to display your kid’s artistic masterpieces. Ledges are great places to display three dimensional art as well. Ensure to paint the ledges in a contrasting color as the wall so as to make them stand out and showcase the art on them in a visually creative manner.
Your children will most definitely create some artistic masterpieces as they age. Rather than storing them away or cluttering the available space with them, consider showing off these masterpieces in the most creative of manners with simple tips and tricks.