Feng Shui, pronounced Fung Shway, is an ancient Chinese belief that is believed to bring positive energy and harmony to a place. Feng Shui was only limited to residences but today even offices and industrial places do not hesitate before incorporating Feng Shui elements into their premises.
Feng Shui means wind and water and thus it is all about bringing these elements harmoniously into a place so that harmony, peace, positivity and good health reign in the place. Earlier, Feng Shui would be used only for different rooms in a house and bathroom was never on the list. That was when bathroom was a mere necessity and no one bothered with making it look attractive since it was always hidden.
Today on the other hand, bathrooms have become a style statement for houses and bathrooms have come to be places that are flaunted. Hence the idea of Feng Shui in bathrooms is not as far off as it may seem at first glance. Here are some easy and effective Feng Shui tips for your bathroom.
Keep the bathroom clean: Cleanliness and uncluttering are the main necessities for applying Feng Shui. Let your bathroom be always clean and keep places for every item so that things are not scattered around. Build enough shelves and stands for soaps, towels, tissue papers and toiletries. Only such a clean place without any clutter will bring in harmony and peace. A clean space reflects positive energy and that is the main function of Feng Shui.
Sun is an element in Feng Shui: Feng Shui has its focus on nature, and when you have elements of nature within your bathroom, the space becomes well suited for Feng Shui. One of the ways to make your bathroom compatible with Feng Shui is to allow sunlight to reflect in the bathroom. If natural light is not possible in your bathroom, you can take the help of artificial lights that will give the look and feel of natural light.
Adding plants is also helpful. If space permits, then think about getting a water fountain for the bathroom. It will ensure flow of positive energy in the room.
Let all senses reign: Feng Shui advocates the use of all senses. So, even in your bathroom, you can ensure the flow of music, aromatic candles or scents or a good wall painting so that it can energize all your senses. Another advantage of incorporating these elements in your bathroom is that apart from fulfilling the requirements of Feng Shui, you are also able to make your bath a memorable and pleasurable activity.
Adding Feng Shui to your bathroom is not as outlandish as it may appear at first. By incorporating Feng Shui elements in your bathroom, you are ensuring positive energy and harmony not just in your bathroom but the whole house.