Enjoyable cooking with “Free Cooker” anywhere within your home

free cooker

Just to make the whole process of cooking more phenomenal here is a new product called “Free Cooker.” This unique product designed by Candy Group, would give its users the freedom of cooking anywhere inside their home apart from the kitchen. Special features allow users to manage many things at the same time. They don’t have to rush inside the kitchen every time cooker makes a whistling noise; especially when they are busy doing something as important as official work or teaching kids.

Since free cooker is portable it can be easily placed at any preferable location inside the home. It consists of two detachable burners. Its shockproof and insulated design cooks food faster and keeps it warm even after two hours of cooking. Its lightweight and portable design allow users to cook a tasty meal conveniently, even while watching their favorite television program in the living room.

Via: Industrialdesignserved

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