Having a new born in the house has its own pros and cons. While on one side, your world changes and you are overjoyed with the little one being a part of your life, on the other hand it also means that there will be a lot of changes that you would need to adjust to. It also means endless hours of work and sleepless nights. Keeping in mind the various concerns and challenges that come with a new born, the home automation industry does have options to make your life simple. You can have a new age nursery for your little one just by having these few smart products for babies.
Smart crib for your little angel
If you are planning to get a crib, you can opt for the Smart crib, which is specially designed considering various needs of new parents. Not only do you get to know what your little one is up to, however it also rocks your baby to sleep in case it wakes up in the middle of the night. Along with that, the smart crib also monitors your baby and even lets you know when it is time to feed your little one. It also has special built in sensors that will keep a track of your baby’s health and notify you when there is a concern. While some of these may be really huge to carry around, you also have portable baby beds which are not big in size but just right for you child.
The Smart Mattress for the crib
The smart mattress comes in various sizes, which you can get for your little one. The smart mattress will monitor its heartbeats, oxygen levels and relax your little one with the help of a massager. These specially designed mattresses with sensors come in a polyester material which is non toxic. They also help you to track the sleeping patterns of your child and also come with a two way audio connection. These mattresses also have a built in thermometer that adjusts the room temperature automatically so that your child can be comfortable. With the breathing monitor, you will immediately be notified if your child has a problem while breathing.
Baby monitors with built in webcam
Various smart monitors are available in the market for new parents. These monitors not only help parents know when their little sweetheart is up, however some of them also come with a built in camera. Some of these monitors also record the child’s movement and vital stats such as the position there are sleeping in, their heart rate, body temperature etc.
Wireless weighing scale
These weighing scales are ideal when you want to check your child’s weight and growth. Even if your child is restless, you will still get a proper reading on his/her weight. It comes with a cradle that can be used when you child is still a baby. After s/he becomes a toddler, you can take out the cradle and use the machine just like that. It also comes with a companion app which records all the information for you and shows it to you in the form of a growth chart.
Breathing and sleep monitor blankets and booties
Blankets and booties are the most commonly used protective clothing for babies. Now with help of the Smart blanket or booties, you can easily monitor your child even while you are sleeping. They have special sensors that help you in monitoring the sleep patterns and breathing patterns.
Smart booties that monitor the oxygen levels and heart rate of the baby
Booties are something that we all ensure our babies wear; however, now, these booties will also let you know how your baby is doing. You can get to know the heart rate and oxygen levels of your baby through alerts on your Smartphone. These booties are all weatherproof and can be washed in the washing machine. You do not have to worry about the sensors since they are waterproof. Moreover, they are designed to work even if you wash the booties in the machine.
Finally yet importantly, all the information that is gathered from the various devices will be stored for you so that you can show it to your doctor when you take your little one for a checkup. You can gain access to the various biometric readings whenever you want.