Themes and ideas you could employ in decorating the bedroom

The bedroom is one place where you can get rid of all your tensions and feel a little cosy and relax without thinking about the loads of pending files still lying on your table. Also, we all enjoy cosy bedrooms as seen in movies. So, rather than wishing on the stars why not design a bedroom for yourself which is exactly the same as you have already seen in the movie? Most of the time spent on relaxing is in your bedroom and hence it should be designed to perfection.

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Here we will be discussing about a number of ideas which you can imbibe in your bedroom so that it makes you feel even more relaxed. This will also give you a feeling no less than an actress on a movie screen.

Incorporate shades of blues, greens and white

bedroom lights

Since the bedroom is a place where you just want to throw yourself and relax, opting for softer colors will be a better option. It will make you feel that there no better place in this whole world except your bedroom. It will be good if you can inculcate blues, greens and whites because they go well with and make you feel cosier.

Fill your walls

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When we are specifically talking about bedrooms there shouldn’t be a lot of empty space because it might leave you with a lot of emptiness in your life. So, nobody would mind adding a little glamour to their life with a black and white photograph of yourself and hang it on the wall, making it look a lot classier than you expect.

Bedroom for spouses

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Both of you have different tastes when it comes to color. You might fight because you want some color and your spouse might want some other color and it is not good to see both of you fighting, a wiser option would be to have both the colors in your room. A little bit of pink and a little bit of metallic to make it a perfect match. It looks good to see both of you have a nice loving pillow fight rather than anything else.

Light up your room

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If you don’t have enough light in your bedroom then don’t overload it with too many architectural accessories. It is best to have fancy curtains so that there is a lot of natural light in your room.


Design your bedroom with themes to match with the decoration, and add a personal touch for the suave.

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