Vignettes and tablescapes add glamor elements to modern living

Beautiful vignette

You need not have to be a professional interior decorator or skilled personnel if you wish to give your home a breathtaking makeover. Vignettes and tablescaping tips can be your major weapons in setting up the right mood. But, this is also an undeniable fact that you need to know a few basics about vignettes before you get rewarding result from them.

Overview on vignettes

Vignette is that part of your house where the heart of your entire living space rests. Let us explain this clearly. Vignette is actually a part of the house that is specially decorated to depict a particular theme or mode. It might comprise of floral decorations, photo frames, statuettes, wall mounting options and wall decals that team up together or work separately to give that slice of your household a strikingly different look. Vignettes can be meant for sheer aesthetic as well as functional purpose too. However, the end use of the same depends entirely upon the owner of the house.

How to get the best out of the vignettes

There are a few expert tips on getting the best out of your vignettes. Following them will definitely give you rewarding experiences.

The primary consideration about vignettes is that you must try to build up a vignette centering on a light source. Proper illumination will always make your vignette give its best look.

The next vital thing is that the vignette must comply with the overall look of your house. Although the vignette is a standalone part of your living space, it must not be strikingly different from the aesthetics of a house.

Vignettes, meant for formal living area, must prioritize upon symmetry in optical appeal. In case of vignettes for informal and casual looking households, crazy amalgamation of elements looks best.

The color of elements chosen to complement the aesthetics of the vignette must be same all though. It must also bear the same family tone or hue as that of your master living area. For instance, the vignette color of a white master living space must be restricted to cream or yellow. However, you can incorporate different textures and couple up matte and gloss finish to add interest.

Strong visual impact is created when you place a number of elements together in a vignette in odd numbers. This has the psychological connection of looking more than an even set of two, four or six!

Addition of depth and height is also crucial in creating the right impact in your vignette. So, get hold of showable elements of different heights and contour. Ensure that you place them in a zigzag fashion to create a virtual impact of greater depth rather than placing them in a linear angle. Installing a mirror will also work towards the creation of depth.

The hot spots commonly chosen for setting up a vignette are specific part of your wall, an area around a strategic window, a nook of your house or the entrance.

Exemplary vignettes for modern homes

As we have said vignettes are replica of the mind of the owner. They forecast the inner thought in the most subtle and breathtaking manner. We bring here a few examples that will be extremely inspiring for you.

Green living

green living

The claustrophobia of the rocky urban world is constantly threatening us. The only refuge is a slice of greenery. Unfortunately, the lack of sufficient land area is the major obstacle in the path. But a vignette designed for the purpose will help you to breathe better. Have a look at this vignette. Right from the selection of the wall colors, to the wall decals to the wall mounting photo frame and to the incorporation of living succulents and climbing foliage, this green vignette will impart a sense of freshness in your urban condo.

Colorful nursery vignette

child room vignette

Kid’s room is the ideal place for creating tablescapes of casual style. You will get a wide range of tit bits from the kid’s own treasure chest that will be the essential elements in setting up a colorful vignette and putting up a playful mood. This tablescape, for example, is one of the most idyllic instances of a nursery vignette. The backdrop is kept monochromatic here, while the showpieces incorporated are in a range of colors. This maintains a sobriety in the overall look together with the depiction of the mischievousness in a child. The asymmetric height is the key factor here that sets up the ambiance.

Fusion style in vignette


Fusion style in vignette is the best deal for the population who love to be a bit humorous though being serious as well. Take a careful look at this vignette and you will find incorporation of modern elements along with those of the yesteryear. So, some of the characteristic mid century elements like a black hammer telephone, a distressed wooden storage shelf and a camera takes care of the classy appeal while the modern feel is maintained by virtue of the photo frames bearing slim rims and smaller showpieces. The nature inspired portraits and natural greenery bring a feeling of freshness and rejuvenation.

Vignette exhibiting showable collection

showable vignette

This vignette brings to the focus the treasured collectables of the owner. So, this can be referred to as the best medium to outline and exhibit collectables in the best manner. While the rack holding the collectables get the maximum visual focus, the corresponding ambiance that comprise of minimal furniture and rustic stackables complement the look. The palette is restricted to neutral shade in order to bring out the beauty of the collectibles manifold.

Organized feminine jumble

feminine vignette

This vignette gives the hint of its owner. It is needless to mention that the owner is certainly a woman. The USP of this vignette is it’s jumbled up look. It has been achieved by the muddle of photo frames that bear different shapes, sizes and frame detailing. The pictures in them are also highly asymmetric. But the symmetry is in its feminine feeling and smaller showpieces that project the belongings of the fairer sex.

Getting the most customized vignette for your home is not a big deal. Now that you know how to get the optimum from your vignette and how to amalgamate it with your theme and mood, you will definitely get success!

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