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Top ten laundry stain removers

I was reading this article on top ten laundry stain removers.

Have a look at them as it might just be able to help you out.

Some Uncommon Uses of Salt

Uses of salt that you never knew.

A little salt added to cake icings prevents them from sugaring.

The greasiest iron pan will wash easily if you put a little salt in it and wipe with paper.

Sprinkle spills of salt and cinnamon while oven and burners…

Choosing Bananas Wisely

While choosing bananas you should look for yellow skins, with no spotting. You can ripen green bananas faster by placing in a paper bag with an apple. As the fruit turns a deeper brown, it is better suited to cooking and baking.

View a detailed guide…

Preserve your Paint Brushes

To retain the shape of your paintbrushes for a longer time, wrap them (while they are wet from cleaning) in newspaper and fold it shape the bristles and allow to dry. Try doing this after each cleaning.

If your paint brushes are getting stiffer after…

Get the Whitest White

To get the whitest white try adding half cup of lemon juice to the rinse cycle of a medium load of whites. This acts as a natural bleach to white clothes.

To brighten the whites, add half cup borax or washing soda to a medium load of laundry.


Let your Silver Shine More

For a small silver item, rubbing the piece with toothpaste will do the job.

Try rubbing a paste of baking soda and water with a damp sponge on the bigger pieces .

For badly tarnished silver, leave the baking soda paste on the silver for an hour or so,..

What a Woman wants

With the invasion of media into our lives, women now are more beauty conscious than ever.

Better looks is something that they think about all the time. Better skin tone, height, figure, stretch marks, hair styles, wrinkles and so on….

Read this…

Magical Borax

Borax has a pH of around 9, which is higher than baking soda (which is 8.1). It is a good deodorizer and mold inhibitor, and a successful way to kill cockroaches, fleas, and other insects.

Borax can be used as a cheap toilet cleaner, flea killer, mice.

Nourish your Plants

To make your houseplant glow, feed it with a tablespoon of castor oil, followed by water.

For plant nourishment, place a few egg shells in their pots and water them with boiled egg water as it has excellent minerals.

Your flower bouquet will last…

Using carpet fresheners with pets

Keeping in mind the skin allergies a pet may get by the use of chemical cleansers one may mix together 2 cups of borax with 25 drops of pure essential oil and sprinkle it on the carpet with a perforated container as a freshener.

Leaving an aromatic.

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