Cool cleaning tips you may not have known

A lot of us rely on household cleaning products to keep our homes clean on a daily basis. However, while the specialized products are great, there are some simple home items to pick up the slack when you’re in a pinch. Unknown to us though, there are some really simple alternatives to these products that can keep our homes cleaner and healthier in the long run. Let’s take a look at some of these cleaning products and tips you may have never heard of till now.

Coca Cola for the toilet

Coca Cola for the toilet

That’s right! A can of fizzy Coca Cola is all that is needed to make your toilet sparkle and shine again. Simply pour the drink into the bowl and let it sit for some time. Flush the toilet afterwards to see no more stains and marks in the bowl. It’s as simple as that really.

Empty ketchup bottle for tight spaces


There are plenty of tight spaces in your home where you can never get the vacuum into. The best tool for these spaces which can also collect dust over time is a plain old, empty ketchup bottle. Simply point the squeezed bottle into the space and release it slowly to suck up all the dust.

Car wax for stovetops


Stains on the stovetop can look pretty ghastly if not treated in time. If nothing else seems to work, simply apply a small amount of car wax evenly on the stovetop. Let it sit for some time and then wipe it off using a paper towel to get back the shine on the stovetop.

Wet paper towels for electric grills

Wet paper towels for electric grills

Got an electric grill that has some real nasty stains from all of your cooking escapades? All you need to do next time you use the grill is unplug it after use and place some wet paper towels on the griddle. Close the grill lid and allow it to steam until it cools off. Open the lid and simply use the paper towels to wipe off the stains.

Bleach solution for cutting boards

Bleach solution for cutting boards

Cutting boards can collect a lot of nasty stains over a period of time. Simply soak the cutting board in a bleach solution for half an hour. Wipe it with a clean cloth and you will notice the stains coming off easily. As easy as that! And without any scrubbing too!

Vinegar for shower liners

White vinegar

We tend to forget about the shower liner until it becomes too hideous to look at. A nice, easy and quick way to clean the liner is to put it into the washing machine along with some white towels. Add some detergent and a cup of vinegar and allow the liner to wash on a warm cycle. Remove the liner and hang it out to dry. The liner will look as good as new.

Shampoo for hairbrushes

Brush your hair

Searching for a way to remove all those hairs, dirt and grime stuck to your hairbrush? Try this technique. Use a toothpick, brush and scissor to remove all the hairs stuck to the hairbrush. Soak the brush in a cup of warm water to which you need to add a little bit of shampoo. Using a toothbrush, scrub nicely between the bristles until the dirt comes off. Show the brush under running water and repeat the scrubbing, cleaning process until the brush is totally clean.

Homemade polish for wood floors

Engineered Wood Flooring

Refrain from using chemical cleaners on wooden floors. Make your own floor cleaner with a tablespoon of lime, the juice of a lemon and a tablespoon of water. Pour these ingredients into a jar and shake it nicely. After it has emulsified, use it along with a wipe to remove stains on wooden floors and make the latter shine.

Store bought household cleaning products tend to have a lot of chemicals and toxins in them. These homemade alternatives can help you clean your home easily and in a more efficient manner without worrying about endangering the environment as well as the health of your loved ones.

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