DIY Chandeliers and lighting fixtures ideas from everyday scraps

There are no words to describe the fun and charm of doing things by yourself. As the saying goes, practice makes a man perfect. When you start doing things by yourself, it helps you to learn and grow in various ways. The ability to save money does not only mean buying things at a cheaper rate. It also means utilizing available resources in a sustainable manner.

There are so many everyday objects that you can use to create a variety of things. One of the good parts of home decor is that you can learn to create new things from what you have. Proper lighting is one of the important factors for a house. To give your place a new look, you can use your resources wisely to create unique lighting fixtures that will add beauty to your nest. Let us look at a few ways to make chandeliers from everyday objects.

Using plastic spoons

Instead of throwing your old and used plastic spoons, you can put them to better use by making your very own chandelier or lamp. By using simple items like the plastic water gallon, the spoon head, some glue and wire, you can make your very own lighting fixture.

Chains and wires

Old wires, extension chords, metal chains all come in handy in so many ways. You can use them to make a uniquely designed lighting fixture. For the base, you can use a plastic galloon and stick these wires all around it.

With broken wooden hangers

wooden hangers


Instead of throwing your old, worn out or broken wooden hangers, you can put it to use by making your own hanger lights. All you need for the idea is a metal base, wooden hangers, a wire, a bulb holder and some multi-purpose glue.

Broken or old metal parts for your DIY Chandelier

You can design a unique looking chandelier using the old metal parts from your vehicles and toys. This will give a different look since your ceiling will get the new design.  This innovative project will make your chandelier look like one that is brought from the market.

Old hats and caps

If you have a collection of old hats and caps; you can put it to use beautifully by making your very own hanging lights. From Top hats to even your jute ones; you can use size and create your lighting fixture. You can also use this idea to create a spotlight for a particular area of your house.

Old silverware and teacups

Let your priced possession come into use by converting them into a new lighting fixture. This idea lets you use your old silverware and teacups and convert them into a nice lighting fixture of your own. You can place this unique design in the dining area or kitchen since it blends in well with such areas.

A lighting fixture made from old ball pens

Do you have a collection of old pens that you no longer use? Well, now you can put these pens into something new by making a new chandelier. The multi layered chandelier made from old ball pens will bring in a unique style statement and prove that nothing is useless.

Making a lighting fixture from plastic stirrers, spoon heads and even wine corks

Even something as small as a plastic stirrer can come in handy to make your very own lighting fixture; this ideal has its charm since you can blend it with old spoon heads and wine corks. Blending these elements will give your lighting fixture a new look and enhance the beauty of the space where you plan to hang it.

Vinyl record lighting fixture

You can make a nice hanging light by using a vinyl records, a small bulb, some wire and glue. This is perfect if you love to have parties. You can also include old audio tapes as a part of the collection and make a nice lighting fixture out of them.

Empty alcohol bottles

Almost every house will have a collection of glass bottles that is no more in use. Instead of letting it fill the landfills, you can use them to make a nice big sized chandelier. This is a perfect way to put your precious collection of alcohol bottles into something more useful.

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