How to clean your hardwood floors

Keeping a house with wooden floors clean is definitely a hard task. Maintaining a clean wooden floor does not require a lot of money when you are doing the cleaning yourself. No matter what type of wood floor you have in your house, they are cleaned and maintained using the same process.

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Time Required: 90 minutes

Resources Required:
1. A can of varnish
2. A varnish brush or a sponge pad brush
3. A vacuum cleaner
4. A mop
5. Tack-cloth and gloves
6. Vinegar solution (1/2 a cup vinegar diluted with a gallon of warm water)


1. Sweep the floor thoroughly to remove all dust and grit – they are extremely harmful to wooden floors. It is recommended that you use a dry mop, along with a floor cleaner suitable for the type of wood used to install the floor. If you do dampen the pad, it is vital that you always make sure to squeeze it as dry as possible.

2. Run a vacuum cleaner on the floor to remove any leftover loose dirt or debris.

3. Now we begin the varnishing. From a standing position, spray the varnish on the floor using a spray bottle. You can also spray it onto your mop, varnish brush or sponge pad, whichever is easier.

4. After the first round of spraying, dip a clean mop into the vinegar solution and squeeze it to shake off any excess solution.

5. Once the mop is damp, use it to sweep the floor surface. Vinegar loosens any dried dirt and kills germs, leaving the floor clean and shinny.

6. You can always keep a spray bottle of water (with a dash of vinegar added to it) on hand for any quick clean ups. It’s a simple matter to spray vinegar water over muddy paw prints or around your children’s chairs to get rid of stubborn stains.

7. You simply need to wipe the floor with a dry cloth to restore the shine to your hardwood floors.

Quick Tips

1. Dry mopping of the wooden floor should be done on a regular basis.
2. When using the vinegar solution, you only need to mop once a week, unless your floor gets high foot traffic.
3. A varnish brush always leaves a smoother finish. However, a sponge pad or brush is easier.
4. For greasy spills or stubborn dirt, mix a few drops of mild dish soap and warm water in a spray bottle. Soak up excess grease with an old cloth, spray the area with the soap solution, and wipe it clean with a clean soft cloth.
5. Always clean using a back and forth motion while applying some pressure to get the floor squeaky clean.

Things To Watch Out For
1. Always remember, frequent dampening of wood floors is not a good idea.
2. Do not steam clean your hardwood floors.

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