IntelaVoice: The voice operated dimmer switch


Who doesn’t like to have a smart home that responds even to your voice? Just as a means to this end VOS Systems has created IntelaVoice, a dimmer switch that is always at your beck and call. Available from Able Data, it is a voice input and touch switch lighting control system that has been especially designed for the use by people with severe physical or upper extremity disabilities or spinal cord injury and of course, also to make switching off the lights activity little convenient for you all. It takes place of a normal wall switch and you can operate it either with your voice or your touch. Take for example, you say ‘Lights Low’, the lights will be turned to a low intensity and when you say ‘Lights Off’, the lights are switched off.

The voice control can either be speaker-independent, allowing anyone to control the dimmer switch or it can be speaker-dependent, allowing you to program a command or a language.

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