Make your own Interactive LED Panel for coffee table…It’s easy!

interactive led panel kit

Interactive LED Panel Kit from Evil Mad Science gives you the opportunity to do just that, make your own LED panel. These Interactive LED Panels are giant circuit boards filled with Super bright LEDs that respond to the stimulus provided by human interaction. Once you have assembled the panel with the help of components and instruction in the kit you can use the panel as a wall art and you can also put it under the glass, creating your own interactive coffee table. Check the video after the jump.

These soldering kits include circuit boards, components, and clear systematic printed instructions. It’s important that you have some experience soldering, but even if you have none then too don’t refrain from trying your hands on it. It’s just for $85.00. You need to devote 1-2 hours per panel. Power supplies are sold separately, just add $4.00. The LEDs are either available in white or blue color. There is also a pre-assembled kit, but it is temporary unavailable at the moment.

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