Doing your own laundry requires a great deal of effort and patience. No matter how underrated this work is, the time and effort put to complete the task is plenty. To add to it, if there is a shortage of storage space in your laundry room, the work tends to get more complicated, and you obviously don’t want to maximise the pain. A small laundry room poses more problems than the laundry itself. It is high time you addressed this issue and made a few changes to organise and declutter your rather small laundry room.
- Store according to needs:
Classify and keep similar things together so that you don’t waste time looking for it. For example, keep detergents on one side and towels on the other.
- Towels:
Stack towels near one another. Separate them according to their sizes. If possible buy similar coloured towels for each size so that it becomes easier to differentiate.
- Compact closets and machines:
Prefer closets that are compact and those that can double up as tables or some other equipment when not in use. Similarly, machines also can be chosen as per their multifunctionality.
- Add sliding doors:
Adding sliding doors will save ample of space that would have otherwise been used up for the opening and closing of doors. This will even up the look of your laundry room.
- Divide your shelves smartly:
Shelves must be used smartly and correctly so as to maximise their efficiency. Keep smaller items in the smaller ones, and the larger items above or below it.
- Have adjustable shelves:
Opt for shelves that can go back into the wall or those that can double up as tables to keep your storage baskets. This way, you will be saving space and simultaneously making your laundry room trendy.
- Confine everything to their respective categories:
Try not to clutter your laundry room, since it will only mess up the area, spoil the look, and add to your work. Remember to keep everything in its respective place once you are done.
- Behind the curtains:
You can hide your washing machines behind curtains that are colourful and stylish. It will add a pop of colour to your room while levelling up its look since the washing machines will no longer be in sight.
- Have respective racks:
If not shelves, you can have racks that you can use to keep hangers, clips, scrubs or dried and ironed clothes. Make sure to tidy up your racks after every wash.
- Have fun with colours:
Use plenty of colours to spice up your laundry room and to lighten it up. Use your creativity and innovation to design and improve the look of your laundry room.
- Create floating baskets:
You can tie baskets with strings to the ceiling and use these cane baskets to store hair ties, innerwear, handkerchiefs, socks and small clips which are bound to be misplaced easily.
- Customise storage bins:
This one is synonymous with the previous one. You only need to sort out storage bins and place your items in accordance with their places.
- Organise your accessories:
Your hair ties, handkerchiefs, clothespins and other small things that are quite vulnerable to misplacement must be kept organised.
- Label your detergents:
Have different detergents for different uses. Detergents for washing clothes normally, for tough stains, and those for gentle woollen clothes are all meant to be stored and used differently.
- Blend it in:
Try to use similar colours so that they camouflage in each other. This is so that yo room looks less cluttered and more sorted.