Indoor Air Quality Maintenance: Why is it Important?

Indoor Air Quality Maintenance

When thinking about air pollution, perhaps you’d immediately picture gases and particles from factories, vehicles, wildfires, mold spores, and dust. But do you know that indoor air can even be more polluted and harmful?

Not many people know that air pollution can still occur even when they’re indoors. There are pollutants inside the house or workplace that can contaminate the air, including cookstoves, tobacco smoke, office and craft supplies, glues, paint, dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and mold.If you think about it, the pollutants inside might just be greater than what you can see or get outside.

Considering that most people are now spending more time indoors because of the pandemic, impurified air inside can potentially harm your health in more ways than one. In that sense, indoor air quality maintenance is something you shouldn’t take for granted.

Improving Indoor Air Quality At Home

As technology advances, homes become more and more modern, leading to airtight indoor space. As such, irritants can’t pass through or escape easily. This brings more harm to people and children with asthma and other health issues. Additionally, the elderlies are also becoming more susceptible to indoor pollutants.So, what can you do to improve indoor air quality in your household?

The first step would probably be consulting with a professional indoor air quality monitoring services – Dowd Heat and Air. Doing so will give you an overview of your home’s air quality. They should also be able to provide you with a measurement of your indoor pollution and tips on improving it.

Some of these tips can include:

1. Turning Your Home Into A Smoke-Free Zone


Toxic airborne particles from cigarettes and tobacco can remain in the air for up to five hours, posing a risk of developing breathing problems, respiratory infections, and cancer in both the smoker and everyone living in the house with them. Given its magnitude in compromising health and wellness, it’ll be best to ban smoking at home.

Additionally, you might want to avoid burning candles and incense sticks for aesthetics or recreational purposes. These substances can emit both carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the air. If you really want to continue burning candles, maybe for aromatherapy or other wellness reasons, you can go for natural waxes, such as soy and beeswax.

As much as possible, avoid dyes and synthetic fragrances as theycan release pollutants into the air.

2. Maintaining Your Heating, Ventilation, And Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems

Good maintenance of your HVAC systems can significantly improve indoor air quality. The air filters in your heating, cooling, and air conditioning units help remove airborne particles, such as dust and dirt, so they won’t circulate back into the air you breathe.Clogged filters can lead to poor air quality and are especially dangerous to people with respiratory conditions, such as asthma.

Changing your air filters monthly should be enough to maintain them in good working condition. You may also check the recommendation of your unit’s manufacturer for tips about changing the air filter. Aside from keeping the air clean, doing so can prevent serious problems in your HVAC systems.

Another element of your HVAC system that you shouldn’t forget is the ductwork. Air ducts distribute cold and hot air throughout the space, and when they’re not appropriately maintained, contaminants could circulate from one room to another. It’ll be best to have a go-to contractor or professional HVAC team that you can always rely on to inspect your units and ensure good indoor air quality.

3. Bringing In The Greenery


What better way to naturally filter indoor air than bringing in different plants? Houseplants can significantly help take carbon dioxide in and breathe out oxygen, which creates a perfect symbiotic relationship. Furthermore, indoor greenery also beautifies and enhances your home interior décor.

Aloe plant, for example, will give you a hint when there are too many harmful chemicals by showing brown spots on its leaves. Rubber trees and bamboo palms are known to remove toxic particles from the air, including trichloroethylene and benzene.

Other indoor plants you might want to consider are snake plant, English ivy, red-edged dracaena, Chinese evergreen, and peace lily. 

Love The Air Your Breathe

The importance of maintaining indoor air quality can’t be overstated. Since you’re most likely spending more time at home, it’s essential that you know these tips and recommendations so you can take the necessary steps in ensuring good air quality. It’ll benefit your whole family, and you can rest assured that more severe health problems can be avoided.

Try your best to get rid of smoke in your home, may it be coming from cigarettes, candles, or incense sticks. Consult a professional so you can maintain your HVAC systems efficiently. Finally, bring in different houseplants in your home to help purify the air.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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