Tips for College Grads Moving Off-Campus

College Grad Moving Off-Campus

As you walk across the stage of your college graduation, you can’t help but think of your first freshman year move in.  The bare walls and used set of furniture was a blank canvas for you to create your own space.  The time goes fast; living at college is an experience like no else.  Whether you lived in a suite with a group of your girlfriends, or had a single room to yourself – living at college meant late nights with friends, collaging the walls with pictures of all your favorite memories, and picking a new tapestry out in August to set a vibe for the new academic year. 

Challenges on the final day of college

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Your final move out day of college comes with many challenges.  Not only are you looking to find a job and begin establishing a career, it’s the first time you are actually moving out and living on your own.  No longer surviving in residence halls with RA’s knocking on your door with reminders, no more using old and used furniture to cram all your winter clothing in, and no more rules against being able to burn a candle on your bedside table.  This is the real deal.So, download StreetEasy on your phone to start hunting for your first apartment and take a trip to IKEA with your best friend.

Recent college grads moving to New York City are desperate to find the balance of two things: a cheap rent and a short commute to work.

Select location

When looking for your first place, keep your commute to work in mind.  With college grads desperate to find a job, it becomes a rush trying to find a new place in close proximity to the new job.  It’s important to remember that a long commute to work can be a leading cause of stress in one’s life.  Moving to NYC, you have to think about the subway system, the bus routes, and if you’ll have any transfers.  The longer and more complicated your commute is, the more stressed you’ll be in the long run.  Do yourself a favor now and apartment hunt in close proximity to your new job.

To balance a commute with a cheaper rent, look into places in Queens and Brooklyn.  Most likely, a commute into Midtown Manhattan is a straight shot on one subway, taking about 20 to 30 minutes.  Typically, the rent prices in Queens and Brooklyn can start at about $1,000 per month per person.  So, rally up a friend or two and find your new dream home in Astoria.  Just hop on the N train towards Coney Island – Stillwell Av. and you’ll be in Times Square in about 30 minutes.

When making the transition of leaving college and moving off campus, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Furniture Shopping

Furniture ShoppingYour first place after college most certainly will not be a permanent residence.  When you are shopping for furniture, think about comfort, cost, and portability.

Starting out on your own, you are sure to be moving around at least a few times before settling down, so don’t doom yourself with a ginormous 5-piece bedroom furniture set.

Hire a Moving Company

It’s important to remember that your next move is not just another move into a college dorm room.  The days of collapsible chairs, mini fridges, and a door-hanging mirror are far behind you.  Now you are packing real moving boxes, buying real furniture, and moving into a real place.  Don’t tackle it all on your own – hire the help of an experienced moving company to help you out and relieve the stress of this crazy life step you are taking.

A moving company like Moishe’s Moving and Storage is the perfect fit for Post-Grad moving.  With over thirty years of experience in NYC moving, Moishe’s would be beneficial for young adults moving out of school and into the city for their first move.  As a fully licensed and insured company, you can be assured that you are in good hands.   Knowing the ins and outs of the boroughs, Moishe’s Moving guarantees that they will get you where you need to go via the fastest and safest route.

Why Moishe?

Moishe's is an excellent choice of a moving companyMoishe’s is an excellent choice of a moving company for people just starting out, as they offer both hourly and fixed rates.  When speaking with your moving representative, they will determine which package option is best for you.  This is ideal for young adults who are moving but looking to save as much as they can along the way.

The other plus side to Moishe’s is their commitment throughout the entire process.  Not only will they transport your boxes and items from their original location and into their new home, but they are always available to pack and unpack whatever you may need them to.

Starting out in a new apartment is usually the perfect beginning to the post grad life.  The amount of space available in your apartment, however, might not be ideal.  Here’s another reason how Moishe’s can help out.  With two full-serviceself-storage facilities, one in Queens and one in the Bronx, they make storage easily accessible to you.  If you need moving services, storage services, or both, Moishe’s has it covered.

Don’t Do It Alone!

Your young 20’s living in the city should never be experienced alone.  Whether you are moving in with a significant other or a few of your friends, moving in and starting out is easier when you have people to do it with. It is also likely that you may need to have a storage unit of some kind – even if it’s just for a little bit after graduation when you are still condensing all of your

This is an exciting time of your life.  College is the precursor to the rest of your life, where you get to test your independence, but now it’s for real.  Don’t do your first real life move on your own.  Hire a strong moving company and move into your first place in NYC with ease.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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