Home Accessories Guide

Complete your iPad experience at home with these cool accessories

iPads are fast becoming popular and people of almost all age groups – kids, teenagers, adults and elders – seem to have a strong liking for the Apple tablet. The reason is simple. The iPad has several advantages over a laptop, desktop or smartphone. And i

Add character to your bathroom with these bath accessories

Bathrooms can be very tricky spaces to decorate. However,
even the barest and dullest looking bathroom can be decked up with the help of
clever accessories. But instead of mindlessly adding framed pictures and flower
vases to the space, you should try and

Oodesign’s Floating Ripple Vase looks dreamy

Flower vases are a staple décor item in any home. They are
easy to maintain, they can be placed virtually anywhere in the home and they
can fit into any type of décor since flowers don’t really clash with anything. And
the best aspect of flower vases

Halved Dinnerware Set will help you stick to a diet for sure

If you are anything like the average dieter, you probably
are well aware of just how challenging it is to stick to a reduced portion meal
plan. Not only do smaller portions fail to fill us up to the same level of
satiety and fullness that we have become a

HooK7 by Dongsung Jung serves 7 purposes

When was the last time that you bought a beautiful décor item
for the house but you found yourself hating the very sight of it a mere few
weeks later? If you are anything like the average homeowner, you would be
painfully aware of this predicament. Howev

Shower Tunes makes listening to music in the shower easier

Technology is taking over our lives. We are becoming more
and more accustomed to products like touch screen console sitting on the
dashboards of our car and providing us with enough distractions to make
avoiding car crashes impossible. Of course, for many

7 Elegant shower curtain design ideas

Living in a home with a ‘combined’ bathroom is quite commonplace today. But such a bathroom brings its own problems of maintenance and of separating the bath from the toilet. The shower curtain is a decorative and elegant way to achieve these and here are

Azerbaijani Carpets get illusory effects

Art is a creative way of expression being evoked by inspiration. For Faig Ahmed, this inspiration has given rise to a unique art form – transforming rugs and carpets into magical skins for the home! The work is laborious no doubt but the result is simply

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