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Table linen designs for fashionable home decors

Table linens are usually picked out according to the occasion
table is being set for and according to the color scheme of the centerpiece and
table settings. Here are some table linen designs to make your table décor look
fashionable.1. Monochrome printe

Silvia Idarreta’s Macaron Lamp hits a ‘sweet’ spot

The macaron is a French confection made by filling jam, buttercream and ganache between biscuits. It has a unique shape and comes in a variety of colors. Variants of the macaron are made in many parts of the world. Deriving inspiration from this tradition

Mini flat given serous bachelor pad makeover

One of the less highlighted byproducts of the Women’s Lib
movement was the bachelor pad. As women around the world demanded the right to
be treated as equals in the workplace, a large number of them began delayed
getting married while others began consi

Forest House in the City is surprisingly posh

Located in Toyokawa-city, Japan, the Forest House in the
City created by Studio Velocity is a prime example of how a very private, very
spacious and architecturally appealing home can be created right within the city.The steel frame Structure is deemed su

Meta-Fora Table by Adele-c is more literal than you’d guess

When you come across a table that is named Meta-Fora by its
creator, you automatically assume that it is a) based on some deep personal philosophy
that defines the personality and being of the designer or b) a visual representation
of an actual metaphor.B

Bozhinovski Design gives private home retro-futuristic makeover

Creating a modern home interior scheme that is appealing to
adults as well as young kids is hard work. If you are asked to design an
interior scheme around that brief with an additional request to try and add
both retro as well as futuristic elements in i

Pastry shaped sleeping bags are a foodie’s delight

We have, at one time or another in our lives, been so in
love with a favorite food that we dreamt of visiting a fantasyland where we
could live in a house made of the food item and sleep on beds made of the same.
Most of these fantasies are of course fuel

Pie shaped FreakishCLOCK tells time digital style

Being able to tell time without wondering what the position
of the hands meant is truly euphoric for people who have a hard time
remembering the multiplication table of 5. In fact, most kids born after the
year 1995 probably don’t ever remember spending

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